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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Moderating r/witchcraft – Why I do it

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    Moderating r/witchcraft – Why I do it

  • Moderating r/witchcraft – Why I do it

  • mirta000

    March 29, 2023 at 8:19 pm

    Well that was exciting, as I felt a little bit like I was on an Easter Egg hunt, considering that there’s this post, your comment underneath this post here and then your comment underneath the original post that you crossposted 🙂

    I loved the mundane over magickal approach that you’re holding the community to and it is precisely what I wanted and eventually managed to bring over to another community. Your influence is a direct reason why I wanted to mod a different page myself and save it rather than let it be locked when all the mods left. You have been such a staple here that it is very hard to miss – sort of like a bedrock, or a foundation, where your influence slowly seeps to the net and carries a very calm, no nonsense vibe that keeps it all grounded.

    As this is an AMA I wanted to ask – what do you think about other communities having a rather bad image of r/witchcraft? And by bad, I mean that I know some that view it as new-agey, young and full of the young crowd concerned with horoscopes and twin-flames, rather than a serious place? And those subreddits that got it into their heads that r/witchcraft promotes cultural appropriation and racism?

    I’ve seen time and time again this community going to great lengths to prove both accusations entirely wrong, yet the opinion persists. Do you think it is worth hosting AMAs on other subreddits to help clear the clouds, or are the clouds best ignored because they will always be there?

  • nation543

    March 29, 2023 at 8:19 pm

    You’ll have to check the post itself, to see the second half, sorry – I had to break it up because lots of words were necessary; the post itself is on my profile, as I feel it’s more personal thoughts than policy.

  • MrsMaritime

    March 29, 2023 at 8:19 pm

    I’ve been a member of r/witchcraft for years now across several usernames. This is statdust-nympth, I had to take a break during pregnancy and felt like it was time for a username change when I got back.

    You are an amazing moderator. Throughout all these years the sub has remained a safe space full of amazing information.bthr community you’ve fostered here is one of the best I’ve seen in my many years on the internet and I fully believe you’ve achieved what you set out to do with it (and you maintain it!).

    Your hard work and passion for the community is obvious from the moment anyone joins. You mentioned wanting witchcraft to be a safe space where people can express themselves, and that resonated with me. I found this sub when I first became interested in the path and I really don’t think I would have pursued it without this safe space. I’ve always wanted to thank you for that, for fostering a place that has been so helpful to me personally so and now seems like my not-so-awkward moment to do that so-

    Thank you Nation.

  • [deleted]

    March 29, 2023 at 8:19 pm


Reply to: nation543
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