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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Money spells and Money bowls

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    You can never have enough money, especially in this economy. So let’s craft something to boost our $$. These two spells are tested (1st) or in testing (2nd) but the root is common so feel free to modify after what you feel like it will make it more potent.

    1. Money bowl

    Ingredients: a small container, paper, coins, cloves, chocolate, cat whiskers, basil, cinnamon, sugar, any green stones (I used malachite and amazonite), tea candle, matches/lighter

    Warning: this spell is very unstable regarding the target, having the bad habit to keep the energy and push it towards someone that needs it more amongst the people around you. It works, but it may or may not decide to cover in richness someone else lol. Probably good for other people than for self.


    Write on the piece of paper the amount of money you want to hit in a year’s/6mo goal. Place the paper inside the container and put on top of it the coins as a pentacle, with one extra in the middle.

    Put the other ingredients in. Place the candle on top and light it. Focus on your intent and let the flame melt all the wax before putting it out.

    Let the whole thing rest somewhere till next month. Every month you need to relight the candle for a few minutes and meditate on the intent. Try to keep it constant (you started the spell on the 1st, then every 1st of the next months you’ll light the candle).

    2. Money spell

    Ingredients: coins, cards, big box, whiskers, cloves, frog leg (if you have lol), wallet, debit/credit cards, eggshells (or plastic/toy egg), jewelry, keys (that have a use or are just deco), other things associated with being rich (animal toys, dices, fake money or unused/old lottery tickets).

    Warning: this is still in testing. Results may vary.


    Just toss everything in there, make it look fancy if you want. The wallet must be yours, so do the cards (could be shopping cards or gift cards too).

    You can take and use whatever you need from it, but you must put it back when you’re done (like change from what you used, it doesn’t need to be the same amount of money).

    You can add sigils or extra wishes/targets on pieces of paper, imagining you’re tossing them in a wishing well.

    Good luck!

Reply to: Young-Warrior-00
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