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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Moon water and moon sign

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    Is moon water more effective if you do it under your element? The full moon was recently in Capricorn,and I’m a earth moon. I haven’t seen really anyone talking about it. I’ve been using my moon water on my makeup routine, and cleaning my tarot cards would that make them more effective?

  • Moon water and moon sign

  • capnisun

    July 11, 2021 at 8:51 am

    It’s more about what you are using the moon water for. The signs and cycle have specific correspondences, same ways that herbs have.

    So let’s say you’re using some of your moon water to clean of your makeup at the end of the day. The full moon represents completion and libra is the sign thats ruled by Venus, which rules beauty. So the moon water from a full moon in libra would be the best for that specific ritual.

    Another example, let’s say you sometimes use moon water to water your plants to help with growth. I would use moon water from either a new moon or crescent moon of an earth sign or perhaps Pisces rather than from a full moon in fire.

    Let’s say you’re doing a self-love spell where you want to get in touch with your emotions. If you’re a Capricorn moon this would be a good time to use your Capricorn moon water as it will help you deepen your connection to yourself and your moon sign.

    I could go on and on about signs and their correspondences. HOWEVER. I am a person who is generaly deep into astrology and know all this. There are lots of practicioners who don’t care for, don’t know, or don’t believe in astrology and that is completely fine as well. At the end of the day it’s about the intentions that YOU set for your spells. So if you don’t know the astrological correspondences and don’t use them in your craft it likely won’t affect your spells much. I do believe in it though so I use it to boost my spells the same way I use planetary hours when choosing time for specific spells and rituals.

    If you are more interested in learning about astrological correspondences you can shoot me a dm and we can get a conversation going 🙂

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