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Forums Forums Mediums My 10+ Year Premonition Resulting in a “Bond” of Sorts

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    At age 11, I had a premonition of a man. I remembered what his face vaguely looked like all these years ago: pale skin, brown hair, smaller frame, but… The most noticeable thing about the guy was his blue eyes.

    At 15, I thought I met this guy. He was not who I thought he was; there was always an unsettling look to his eyes, unlike the man in the dream. I admit, in my ignorance, I tried to pursue a relationship with him only to go through a series of traumatic events. Throughout this time, the dreams of the man stopped. My medium gifts were at an all time low.

    But when I broke contact off with him (age 21), another 6 years went by.

    I got a message from someone out of the blue on social media, wanting to chat with me.

    This man looked like a replica of my ex, but things got weirder from there. After getting to know about him, I found out that both men:

    • had the same hometown
    • had the same name
    • both had a brother and sister
    • had the same hair color
    • had the same eye color
    • were smaller framed

    …and the list goes on.

    My dreams started up shortly after, often having the man talking me through things I needed to grasp in my life. I didn't take much of it seriously until my grandmother, also a medium, was visiting me in a dream.

    "You have to stick together," she said to us in the dream. "Blessings will come down if you do."

    Since then, I've been in tune with this guy. We're very close, though not by choice — I have premonitions, visions, dreams, and, if I'm being honest, it's boiling down to physical/sexual sensations and emotions of his being felt.

    Every single time I decide to brush off there's no message from him, he pops up on my phone or computer with a message. I try pushing him out of my mind for a brief second, and I get a vision of him.

    And, I'm not sure what to really make of it, so I'm posting this here in hopes to get a little feedback on the situation.

    TLDR: After 10+ years, I am finding that a premonition is coming true. Since showing up in my life, sensations, emotions, visions, etc are at an all-time high, causing a 'psychic bond' of sorts with the man in my premonition.

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