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Forums Forums Psychic My experiences with meditation and more

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    Warning: LONG POST

    So I keep on asking questions in the community so I decided to share some experiences I got by doing meditation. The updates are what I eventually noticed so far.

    Here are the follows below:-

    The very first day of meditation:

    1) While meditating, I saw that initially my body posture was a kind of poor, but got better with time.

    2) For some reason, as far as I can say, I had the right hand side of my whole body only feeling numb as well as some shivering only at the right hand side of my body from my head to lower part of torso at the same time.

    3) To conclude, I did feel(and I am still feeling) some mental burden reduced(as of now at least).

    Meditation update 1:

    Involuntary murmuring and involuntary walking has stopped.

    I am much more mentally stable as compared to before.

    Meditation update 2:

    Violent and negative mentality decreased quite a lot.

    Meditation update 3:

    I can now keep calm enough and be polite as far as possible to keep my pitch down even if there’s someone boiling my blood.

    Meditation update 4:

    I find complete peace in being alone rather than being occasionally depressed of not having anyone to talk to.

    To sum up, I feel much mentally healthier than before.

    Meditating frequencies for:-

    1) Root chakra: 396Hz

    2) Crown chakra: 963Hz

    Use the following frequencies while meditation for better chakra activation results.

    You’ll find the frequency generating apps on Playstore.

    Warning: Extremely high or extremely low frequencies can cause a problem. Please use that app carefully.

Reply to: boringsapien
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0 of 0 posts June 2018