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Forums Forums Mediums My kid is getting scared. Please help

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    My 3 1/2 year old lately has been waking up periodically saying go away go away and crying. He says he’s scared. When I ask him about it he says it’s a lizard monster growling at him. Is there anyone who can help and just try to take a look… See if you see anything there? I can provide a picture of him or us if needed. Any help is appreciated. This isn’t from any tv shows we’ve seen or anything like that

  • My kid is getting scared. Please help

     Neville updated 2 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • peregrine_swift

    November 11, 2021 at 4:15 pm

    Hi! First thing. Dollar store spray bottle with salt water. Make with sea salt or kosher salt. Give this to your child. When he feels scared tell him to spray in direction he says this entity is. Next. Clean out that room. Throw away all broken toys any hand me down items or items that are thrift shop or recycled. Just get rid and start with a clean palette. Deep clean that room. Open the windows get the energy moving and get real specific about that room being sacred space. No entities allowed. Throw salt in closets and corners. Burn frankinsence. After making sure everything’s clean, make a salt circle around the bed. You can have your child participate. The important thing is, this is YOUR SPACE! Nothing is allowed in there or to interfere with your kid. Make that known, even if you have to start yelling. I get really mad when entities mess with kids. IF that’s what this is, you dont have to tolerate it. Dont get scared, get busy and get rid. If you have a pastor or minister ask for a house blessing. Good luck!

  • SableyeFan

    November 11, 2021 at 4:15 pm

    Could be an attached spirit if it’s reoccurring. Might not hurt to request a in person session with a psychic to clear out the energy it’s attached to.

    I know from personal reoccurring nightmares for years that they feed off fear. A child won’t be able to handle it.

  • Ok-Association-7433

    November 11, 2021 at 4:15 pm

    As a mother, I’m so sorry to hear your child has been visited by such a nasty energy. I send you my prayers and ask my Angels to protect him and your family from any negative beings that may be trying to come around. If you can, like pinkbutter90 said: imagine a white protective light around him and your house, and make sure you tell him he is doing the right thing by asking it to leave him alone. Even bad energy can’t cross that line they are attracted to his pure energy. I also have a 3 year old daughter who was doing something similar, except after she said go away she would draw a circle around it. I made sure to reassure her that they couldn’t harm her and she was doing what she needed to do by setting her boundaries with whatever was visiting her. I hope this helps and you don’t have to ever go through that again. I understand the fear and feeling of helplessness as a mother dealing with that kind of situation. Wishing you blessings and praying for protection, and I hope you have a nice day.

  • pinkbutter90

    November 11, 2021 at 4:15 pm

    Send prayers, loving intentions to your dear babe. Visualise white/ golden bubble of protection around your kid morning and night, imagine their room filled with this white light. Call on arch angel Michael to draw a circle of protection around your child and your home. Ask archangel angel Uriel to protect your child in the dream state and allow dreams of the highest vibration. Consider buying a crystal and tell your child it will help protect them and place it by their bed. Your loving intention behind these daily actions will amplify its effects. Trust the angels will assist you. Your love vibration is powerful 💕💕 wishing pleasant dreams your child’s way.

  • SpiritedPlaces

    November 11, 2021 at 4:15 pm

    Does he sleepwalk or has he had night terrors before?

  • Ilavenya

    November 11, 2021 at 4:15 pm

    Souls all connect into one, like drops of water forming an ocean. All souls, spirits, or what have you are ultimately one collective entity. As such, we can hardly hide our thoughts and have access to all information. The only way to have an authentic life experience when we incarnate is to put memory blocks into the brain that disable the brain from accessing the soul’s memories and connections. This way, the brain is compartmentalized and does not know it is, essentially, a character in a stage play, a hand puppet the soul is wearing, a costume.

    We know from hypnotic regression of thousands of people that the soul enters the womb typically at 4 months of pregnancy (sometimes later) and begins to merge with the brain and shape it to its needs. This includes putting in the memory blocks. However, this process is not complete until 6-7 years of age.

    Before that age, children can remember fragments of past incarnations, can often see other souls and speak to them, and they sometimes *know* things. If your child is literally seeing the lizard, it is merely a spirit. This will go away but it’s going to be a few years. If it’s a dream then you are possibly dealing with a past life memory. Even in a waking state, it could be a past life memory of a traumatic way of dying. In such a case, my guess is he may have lived an animal life last time around and was eaten by a lizard. We know of such cases, one where a child remembers a life as a snake which was killed by a man. Both the place and the man have been identified, so that case is actually closed.

    Does your son say anything else in regards to this? Any past life anecdotes?

    Perhaps you could ask about what the lizard is doing, where it is, when it typically shows up. Or perhaps better, ask “Where did you see it the first time?” It may be that the memory you then get is of a previous lifetime.

    The only negative option I can imagine is that it’s the soul of a pet from a past life that your son’s previous incarnation mistreated. Just recently I talked to someone who used to troll his dog by ringing the doorbell to make him bark. The dog has since passed away and its spirit comes for visits periodically, ringing the doorbell and thus trolling him right back.

    Note that since your son can see this spirit, he can also talk to it. He might be too young to formulate anything sensible. Like, if it’s a past pet that was mistreated, an apology could be difficult for him at this age. But I’d need more information on the nature of this visitor or memory to suggest a clear plan to put into action.

  • MamaSmAsh5

    November 11, 2021 at 4:15 pm

    Can you send me a picture? In chat even. I feel like I’m picking up on this but I’m not sure. Is your son a brunette? Either way, you have the power. So does he. Together with him, tell it to go away. Scary monsters aren’t allowed in your home. Let it know that! Also, tell your son to pretend he’s in a big bubble and the monsters can’t get him. I have been dealing with some similar things with my 2 yr old who I think is also super sensitive to spirits. She will randomly get upset and scared, crying she’s scared or monsters coming. We get together and I say to her, let’s get this monster and we go to wherever she says it is and kick it out! I tell her we’ve got a bubble around us (I constantly use white light to protect my family and home) and no bad guys allowed. Not sure how much it really works or makes sense to her but so far, it’s helped my daughter and I also feel good about establishing these practices of not being afraid and having the power as well as white light protection.

    Your son needs to regain his power. Help him by just letting him know whatever it is, spirit, paranormal or imagination, it doesn’t get to have his power. Have him imagine beating up this monster or something like a super hero. The mind is your most powerful tool here, even if it feels silly or childish. It works. Plus, he will learn to keep his power and maintain dominance against nasty spirits.

  • AbyssDomme

    November 11, 2021 at 4:15 pm

    I think is likely just a dream and/or a fear from a kid. You can do a house blessing to be on the safe side, but I don’t think there are actually monsters near your child.

  • imgoodatbreathing

    November 11, 2021 at 4:15 pm

    For how long has this been happening?

  • billionairelass

    November 11, 2021 at 4:15 pm


    Big bowl of salt water under his bed change it every other day. Salt disintegrates dark energies. If you have incense stick burn some in his room.. Or burn some sage.
    If you can get hold of a (hanuman chalisa English subtitle ) recite it together b4 bedtime.

    Also a prayer before bed invoking archangel Michael to help, heal and guide you.
    Let me know if it works.

  • JessieDee0203

    November 11, 2021 at 4:15 pm

    You can give him a bell to ring, it’s safe for the child to use themselves, and if it doesn’t work, you know when he’s having trouble, but a bell may disapate the energy. I have personally found that prayers to God asking for Archangel Michael are quick and effective when it’s a demon, however, I am uncertain of your beliefs.. I’m not sure what he is seeing, but I imagine a negative spirit because they can appear to a child as anything they wish, and can even read our thoughts, so they are aware of what we fear. I would smudge with sage each night before bed. If he is still having trouble, definitely find a professional that can help as soon as possible. These things aren’t usually a major deal, but I can’t be sure. I don’t know if it helps but it’s what I would do. Prayers.

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