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    I want to share with you all something very strange that happened a long time ago now.. but still as vivid in my mind as the moment it occurred. I had started to wonder if maybe i had ghosts. A couple of times as i was drifting off to sleep i would hear and feel what i thought were children running around my bed.. bumping it and i would fight to open my eyes to see what it was.. but once open there wasn’t anything there. Now i know you are probably thinking dream.. etc but it wasn’t.. and it wasn’t the same as when you are falling a sleep and you start to dream and jolt awake. This happened a few times over a period of time.. always the same. One night i went to bed and i was lay there just running through my mind i had locked the door.. turned off the hot know the to do list before you decide there’s nothing you need or should have done. I was kind of looking into the darkness.. dim light from my bedroom window, so i could see. As i lay there with my eyes open i started to feel as if someone was getting into bed from the bottom.. very slowly and gently..i could feel something..the covers moving. I felt in that moment excitement and terror. Finally i am going to see what it is! But i’m too scared to look.. My eyes grew wider and wider as i dared not look although as i say..i wanted to. I then felt what i can only describe as a cigarette burn on my leg. There was no thought anymore.. only reaction and i sat bolt upright in bed. What i saw has stuck with me for 20 years. At the foot of my bed were two 3 ft tall ish beings in black crouched and leaning with its arm reaching under the covers(what i felt and where the burn happened) and the other to its right about a foot between them. In my doorway was another being.. as tall as the a stick insect in build..skinny. The light from my hall way behind it prevented me from seeing more details as it was silhouetted. As quickly as i registered what i saw..they were gone. Disappeared..vanished seemingly into thin air. The next day i told one or two of my friends. As you can imagine they said i was dreaming.. i showed them the burn on my leg but with a story so out of the norm they tried to explain it away with logical answers.. maybe a spider bit you.. Because that’s normal right? I didn’t tell many people as they all would look at me with that same i was mad. I even started to question myself.. to doubt my own experience until one day on a popular morning tv show a woman was interviewed. She told the exact same story as me down to the black cloaks..they laughed and mocked her. She’d drawn a picture to illustrate what she’d seen and it gave me the shivers as it could have been drawn by me.. It was exactly the same. i have looked so many times for her and others who have had the same happen to them but without success. Im 50 years old now.. had a lifetime of sleeps, dreams, nightmares but this was different , a one off and i wont ever forget it. I just wish i knew what they were.. where they came from..

  • my unexplained night visitation

    SuicidalInsomniax updated 2 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • SuicidalInsomniax

    May 17, 2021 at 10:20 am

    What’s the name of the interview?

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