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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Need blessing, manifestations, and advice

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    Hi, and to start off sorry. Sorry because for one, I’m dumping this on you all, and two, because my problem is not as serious as many of the others here so asking for help seems kind of… I don’t know? bad? But I need to share this with you all because I feel safe here.


    Anyway though, I… am really stressed about my grades. I need to get a minimum of 95 – 96 percent on all my course, with 98% being my goal (Especially for science, math, English, history, and civics).


    that itself is not the problem, but when I get anything less than 100% on any assignment/quiz. I literally break into tears and end up a sobbing mess. It’s completely wrecked my mental health.


    even that I can handle, but I need to get those mark as it’s not just for me. I *need* this for my parents who have sacrificed everything for me. My mom left her studies (and just recently picked it up again) so we could immigrate to where we are now. My dad works overtime almost everyday in order for us to afford to have fun, afford necessities, and keep some money in savings (for my brother and I’s university fund). I need to go to medical school and become a doctor. I need to open a hospital in my home village where people literally *die* because they can:t get to the hospital next town over in time. I need to help my mom get a mortgage that she’s not doing now so I can afford university when the time comes.


    For context I work my arse off while studying but I just need a little few somethings to get me through, for my mental health if nothing else. Blessing, manifestation, and advice so I can reach my mark goals are much appreciated! Thank you so much.

  • Need blessing, manifestations, and advice

  • geekchick2411

    November 1, 2021 at 2:40 pm

    I do believe your parents are very proud of you, you seem like a good student and a good person. You should take care of yourself, do not overstress on that you have done more than enough, take a little break, made yourself a nice cup of tea and meditate on your life and what do want, trust me everything will be alright. Blessings to you.

  • Dry_Mastodon7574

    November 1, 2021 at 2:40 pm

    I am so proud of you for being a good student.

    I am so proud of you for being grateful to your parents.

    I am so proud of you for caring about your home village.

    I am so proud of you for being you: a smart, hardworking, empathetic, wonderful person who deserves not only success but rest and peace as well.

    This is my blessing to you. It is a truth you should know. I want you to light a candle and repeat this to yourself until you believe it.

    Oh, and BTW, I am so proud of you.

  • littlemissadams

    November 1, 2021 at 2:40 pm

    Oh sweetie, your parents are more than likely very proud of you and wouldn’t want you to be so hard on yourself. Please take a few minutes every day to relax. Make yourself some tea, light some yummy smelling candles and just let yourself be.

    Your feelings are valid.

    Your problems aren’t less than anyone else’s.

    Be proud of yourself.

    We’re proud of you!

  • AmyDragonLady

    November 1, 2021 at 2:40 pm

    Blessings to you! Take time to breathe, meditate, channel success in your endeavors. Maybe light a yellow candle for joy and sun energy, maybe an orange one for success. I will manifest this for you in my next “practice round”! 💫🔥💫

  • Dismal_Illustrator96

    November 1, 2021 at 2:40 pm

    Hey! On a mental health note, have you ever discussed the possibility of neurodoversity with your doctor? I only ask because I have OCD and some of what you’re saying about how you react to grades less than perfect rings true with me. It cannot hurt to speak to a medical or mental health professional to get through this.

  • MadWifeUK

    November 1, 2021 at 2:40 pm

    Oh my lovey.

    You don’t need to get those sorts of grades. You just need to do your best.

    You don’t need to make your parents proud of you, they already are.

    You don’t need to make up for your parents decisions; they are doing this because they love you. They made the choice, they didn’t do it with the caveat of you paying them back.

    You don’t need to become a doctor and save your village. You need to do whatever makes you happy.

    You don’t need to be worrying, you don’t need to have the world on your shoulders. You just need to live a good life, to go to bed smiling because you’ve had a good day.

    You need to take time to smell the flowers, feel the sun on your face, revel in the wonder that is this world, this life. You need to laugh and dance and sing. You need to love and be loved (and you are already loved).

    We only get one go on this merry-go-round that is life. Experience as much as you can (within the law, obvs!). Live a wonderful life.

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