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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Need protection against an ex-friend sending bad spiritual attacks

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    Hello everyone! I recently had to cut off someone who was a very close friend of mine because I realized she was a huge energy vampire. She is a good person don’t get me wrong just not meant to be in my life. Anyways, I ended our friendship after I got her hired at my job. I only work 2 days a week but when she’s there It’s not good at all energetically. I ignore it, stay positive, and send back positivity to her. No one at work even knows we know eachother, that’s how much I leave her alone. Also I explained to her why we couldn’t be friends, so it’s not like I ghosted her.

    My issue is, I’ve been having VERY strong random thoughts to protect myself against her spiritually. She is a spiritual person and practices dark witchcraft. I consider myself to be a white witch. Today after working together and seeing her for the first time after I cut her off, I was hit with the biggest wave of sadness. My life is going amazing right now and I have felt very enlightened. I have so much to be grateful for and I do not have depression.

    How can I protect myself? Please let me know any ideas, spells, crystals to bring to work, etc. thank you and bless you <3

  • Need protection against an ex-friend sending bad spiritual attacks

  • obsidia_musette

    October 21, 2021 at 2:39 am

    It is important to put up your Shields everyday whether you do it first thing in the morning or before you go to bed. This would be your psychic shields where you use Universal energy, energy from your deity, energy from the Moon, Etc form a shield around you and your astral self that will protect you from any negative energy that is sent your way for 24 hours. There’s plenty of reading about this that you can find on the internet so please try to find a way that works for you. This is an individual thing so you may have to try to find different tactics to get the shield to work properly. However once you get it to work, negative energy will not affect you near as much. Good luck to you.

  • Grey_Balance

    October 21, 2021 at 2:39 am

    It sound like you may have some empathic traits. That wave of sadness may be less of an attack she’s launching at you, as you feeling/absorbing her sadness about not being friends anymore. If that’s happening , she may not be aware that you are feeling her sadness at all, and it might feel very much to you like YOU are sad. You might be able to tell the difference between your own sadness and hers if you try, but it can be difficult. I think that a spell to help her heal, and a cord cutting or similar separation spell to help bring closure are your best options to deal with this, if I’m understanding the situation correctly. For healing pain from a broken friendship or relationship, I like to use lemon balm in some way. Maybe an offering, incense, to decorate the base of a candle, a tea that you use as part of a ritual…

  • sammablamblam

    October 21, 2021 at 2:39 am

    There’s a separation spell you can do. You get two candles, white for yourself and whatever color resonates with the person in question some black thread and sulphur and frankenscence oil. Carve the person’s name in the colored candle. In the white candle write how you want to feel after the spell is over (peace,calm, etc.) Tie one end of the thread to the top of the white candle then coat half the thread and the white candle with the frankenscence oil and then tie the other half of the thread to the bottom 1/4 of the colored candle, sprinkle a bit of sulphur on the colored candle. Light your candles and let them burn all the way down. This will seal the energy to them instead of letting it attach to you. (i.e. severing the chord that binds you)

    As always cleanse your space and set your circle before starting. This will cut the current energy to you but if you let them continue to effect you then it’ll start again and you’ll have to do this spell again.

  • greybex

    October 21, 2021 at 2:39 am

    I am guessing this is all an analogy , more like hoping so.

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