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Forums Forums Mediums Needing advice/help with my own potential abilities

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    I’m not really sure how to type this or what to say. I’ve been wrestling with posting here for about 8 months and my experience last night finally made me do it.

    Throughout my life, I’ve always been extremely scared/anxious of the paranormal. I’ve never slept well and still insist on sleeping with the covers up to my ears for fear of being touched. I can’t recall ever seeing spirits or communicating with them, but I’m aware of energies around me. At age 14, we moved into a house with bad energy. I hated it from the beginning. Everyone in my family had experiences while living in this house, but none of us spoke of it until we moved out 10 months later. My new house felt safe and most of the places I’ve lived in since have felt “safe”to me. I’m now 31 and unsure of my abilities but I’m tired of being scared. I sometimes see things move out of the corner of my eye. This phenomenon heightened after the loss of my grandmother in early 2020. When I see these things, I don’t feel fear so I’m unsure of what this might be. If I’m crazy, tricks of the eyes, etc. I’ll also occasionally get phantom smells of people I once knew, like both of my grandfathers.

    This past summer, we visited Key West. The back room where my husband and I slept felt loud, if that makes sense. I felt like I could hear whispers and just general anxiety the whole time we were there. I’ve never had that sense of heightened urgency anywhere before.

    Last night, while almost asleep (somewhere between awake and asleep) I heard what seemed to be a friendly male voice say “hello” and it startled me. I heard this, but not sure if it was audible or if I heard it in my mind’s eye.

    I guess I’m looking for advice from anyone who feels compelled to help. Do I have some type of ability and how can I protect myself and not feel scared? If there is someone trying to contact me, how can I help them?

  • Needing advice/help with my own potential abilities

     Neville updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • SpiritedPlaces

    October 31, 2021 at 8:40 am

    Yeah, this is how it starts, feeling the energy and that something is around your periphery. However, the voice while half awake/asleep is a different scientific phenomena called hypnopompic or hypnagogic hallucinations. I have experienced both those and actual clairaudience so I know the difference. The hypnagogic hallucinations sound like a real voice with either a feminine or masculine tone and it sounds like you’re hearing it externally (even though you aren’t). Clairaudience pops in the middle of your stream of thoughts and doesn’t sound like a person’s voice, but like a thought popping into your mind very quickly out of nowhere.

  • suneyflower

    October 31, 2021 at 8:40 am

    Thanks for sharing your experience- I had similar sorts of feelings too until I was forced to face it in an apartment with a very persistent traumatized spirit. I’ll give you the advise that I got from a medium friend that helped me grow.

    Set boundaries- especially with house energies/spirits (use whatever word fits for you) this can be pretty simple as thinking “hey- leave me alone, don’t bother me when I’m sleeping or going to bed” if you believe/feel connected to spirit guides, angels or God(s) you can ask them to help you as a gatekeeper.

    Burning sage or other cleansing plant like lavender to cleanse energy and better communicate these boundaries. I have found that I don’t need to cleanse often but I do it when I move somewhere new as a way to be more clear with any existing energies or just residual bad energy from an old renter etc.

    If you feel scared, or bothered by something you can’t see you can imagine a golden light starting from your heart and pushing it out to encompass the room/home as protection. You can also say/think (I don’t want to know you’re here, or please leave)

    If you’d like to grow your skills, I reccomend meditating and grounding. Once those become more comfortable you can do some internal healing (like healing your inner child wounds, or working with your shadow self, the “negative” parts of your personality. Often after working through your own hurts and traumas, you will find you have more clair-experiences, synchronicities, universe downloads or communication with spirit.

    Best wishes, food luck!

  • trlforced

    October 31, 2021 at 8:40 am

    I’m not able to offer much help, but I feel like I was reading about my experience, down to some of the timings. I’ve started an energetic cleansing and grounding practice. Maybe try finding one that works for you.

  • TheSaltyTarot

    October 31, 2021 at 8:40 am

    Even if you never plan on doing any kind of psychic work, the meditative practices of grounding, centering, and shielding will help you reclaim your mind and space.

  • mintskinrise7

    October 31, 2021 at 8:40 am

    Read mystical, esoteric books. If you are ready to know, the answer will open up to you. You have to find it yourself, rather than believing someone’s opinion.
    When you will find it, you will know it without questioning.

  • myballsaregone

    October 31, 2021 at 8:40 am

    I know of someone who helps development. She has am online event coming up for those wanting to build their spiritual gifts if you’re interested. Dm me

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