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Forums Forums Mediums New decks arrived finally I am so so so excited. Will offer Readings. As per usual. Personality Readings, Tarot, Oracle, Oracle Guidance, Love-Romance-no contact, Channeled Messages, Angel Messages, Medium Readings, Pendulum Readings etc… πŸ’•πŸ˜ŠπŸ™

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  • #254978 Reply


    Hello sweet human beings, wonderful magnificent homo sapienses. You one hell of yummy gummy sweet and kind people. Unique and wonderful beings πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

    Pendulum Readings-yes/no one question clarification with tarot and oracle pulls-3€
    2 questions-also explained with Tarot and Oracle draw-5€
    3 questions- again clarified with Tarot and Oracle draw-8€
    Unlimited questions 15 minutes clarified with Tarot and Oracle pulls-15€
    Unlimited questions 30 minutes again clarified withTarot and Oracle pulls-30€
    Unlimited questions one hour explained and clarified with with Tarot and Oracle also-50€
    (these Readings are not just yes/No, instead are clarified why is yes/no with Tarot and Oracle).

    Want to know the letter of name and surname of the next romantic partner? The One person-soul mate that you will marry-3€

    **Personality Readings, behavior, inclinations, emotions, physical description of the person no info needed beside a letter initial or number something I can connect withetc-15€ (no need for picture or anything)**

    **I am offering guidance 10 cards drawing Tarot and Oracles what you are called and need to release, how can be solved, what you need tto embrace and work on. And a special mantra till end of this week that you must follow up. Also Messages from the Divine, and if someone is interested Romance pulls and messages from their person. – 15€**

    **Healings with energy and oracle here picture or anything else beside person to be online or if feel comfortable giving picture nothing else is needed, from anxieties, emotional pains, physical pain etc.-15€**

    **No Contact – romantic readings/Love Readings
    What they are dealing with, thinking feelings no sugarcoating
    What he/she might wanna say, is there a possibility for getting back, his/her intentions, what will happen-15€.**

    **In depth readings which contain personality reading and queation, what you or if a person is involved is dealing with, what should release-what should embrace (you/a person) guidance, messages from Angels, Divine messages. These are in depth ba-40€.**

    **Mini depths which contain same as in depth but are shorter version of the in depth, also containing everything mention in the in depth but shorter version-30€.**

    Review is welcomed always welcomed and appreciated.
    Here are some of my reviews

    Oh, and never forget that you are unique and perfect the way you are, magnificent beings that will never ever be born the same way againπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ™ remember this and always have this on your minds!!!

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