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Forums Forums Tarot New to tarot, just got this deck yesterday. This card fell out the 3 times I worked with the deck while shuffling, so I really think it is trying to send me a message. I am reaching out to ask: What are some strategies you use to stop the circling negative thought from becoming self fulfilling?

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    New to tarot, just got this deck yesterday. This card fell out the 3 times I worked with the deck while shuffling, so I really think it is trying to send me a message. I am reaching out to ask: What are some strategies you use to stop the circling negative thought from becoming self fulfilling?

  • New to tarot, just got this deck yesterday. This card fell out the 3 times I worked with the deck while shuffling, so I really think it is trying to send me a message. I am reaching out to ask: What are some strategies you use to stop the circling negative thought from becoming self fulfilling?

    BuffySummers17 updated 4 years ago 1 Member · 6 Replies
  • holographicpursuit

    January 30, 2021 at 7:24 am

    Think of tarot as a course corrector. If you heed the warnings and address the issues by making different choices for yourself, then your cards will change. But at the end of the day, you have to put in the (self) work. If you intuit that this card is warning you of your circling thoughts, then take up practices that can help you quiet those thoughts: Meditation, being present, and gratitude work for me when the mind is too busy or negative. For every thought, ask yourself if that thought is one of love or fear… and know that you can always choose again.

  • euromojito

    January 30, 2021 at 7:24 am

    I’ve struggled with the same negativity as well. I do really agree with the other comments – tarot can help us see and understand aspects about ourselves that we might not have felt with otherwise.

    That being said, I love the imagery on this card and think your interpretation is spot on. To find deeper meaning in the minor arcana, I like to look at how they correspond to the major arcana. In this case, the nines are ruled by the hermit, who is often depicted as a reclusive man seeking for meaning. In the deck I read with (RWS) he is guided by the light of his lantern that bears a star inside it. I would suggest taking a look at the hermit card in this deck to see if you can find any other hidden meanings.

    I think what this suggests is for you to try and focus on what your guiding light is during times where you’re wrapped up in your own negativity. What do you live for in life? Why do you want to overcome this aspect of yourself? The nines are the last step to the completion of the journey in each suit, and I think more often than not we don’t recognize just how close we are to fulfillment when we are blinded by negativity and self criticism.

  • blackpepper36

    January 30, 2021 at 7:24 am

    Beautiful deck! I have to buy one

  • Laughing_Fenneko

    January 30, 2021 at 7:24 am

    i learned from therapy that whenever negative thoughts start to cloud my mind i have to contest them right away. ask yourself:

    – what evidence do i have that supports that line of thought?
    – what evidence do i have AGAINST that line of thought?

    you’ll often find this negativity isn’t really based on anything real, so it’s not even worth stressing about. you are perfectly capable of changing your own cognition.

  • basilbath

    January 30, 2021 at 7:24 am

    Omg this card tortured me. It’s extra creepy and horrible in the wild unknown deck. What got me thru is the description of it in the labyrinthos app. “Someone trapped by their own negative thoughts. There is not necessarily a situation that warrants the worry, and this card hints that over-analysis leads to crippling indecision and feelings of helplessness.” So, do the meditation and self reflection, be honest with yourself. But don’t overthink it and trust yourself.

  • BuffySummers17

    January 30, 2021 at 7:24 am

    Hello all, I have been watching videos about tarot for a few weeks now and just got my first deck. I really identify with using the native plants and animals to my country as the metaphor to deliver the messages on the cards. It is the WilderWoven Deck by Greg White, I got it on Etsy.

    Onto my question: I know I have problems with self doubt and negative thoughts about myself. I am hoping that practicing tarot can help me to feel more confident in my intuition. I think this card is telling me that dark thoughts circle like the crows circle the owl, and the more attention you pay to them, the more power they have to slice you and make you feel down. I want to learn some strategies or tools to break the cycle of negative thoughts. Or at least notice them when they start spiraling and try to interrupt them. For those who have had experience with these types of ruminating thoughts, what are your strategies?

    Thanks so much for taking the time to read my post.

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