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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing New to Witchcraft? Here are the books I think every beginner needs!

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    One of the biggest questions I see is where to start with witchcraft and spells. And my biggest pet peeve is more advanced witches giving any answer other than Protection Magick!

    No matter what your main goals for the craft may be, Protection magick and Cleansing is the best and safest place to start. Cleanse everything, put protection sigils on everything, place crystals at the found corners of your home, etc. Once you have a protected space and aura you can start playing with more types of spells. Also, getting into modes of offerings and gratitude daily is a great way to nurture relationships with different spirits.

    These are my top recommended books on Protection Magick and are great because they grow with you. No matter where you are in your journey these are amazing!

    Protection & Reversal Magick by Jason Miller (Elements of Spellcrafting is pure gold as well but is more intermediate. This book also has some that will be over your head, but that’s okay take what you can and start there. You’ll be happy to have this in your collection later!)

    Sacred Smoke by Amy Blackthorn (“Smudging” is a closed Native tradition BUT Smoke Cleansing is accessible to everyone. This short guide gives you wonderful ways to use much more than just Sage to cleanse yourself and your home. It goes into whether things are endangered like Palo Santo and White Sage. Note: I’m fine with using White Sage IF and only if it is ethically harvested and sold by Natives that are okay with sharing their land’s gifts. Many Natives and Indigenous peoples make money from selling their herbs and do so with happy hearts to those that respect their traditions. If it is not sold directly from them I don’t touch it and use regular sages, pine, lavender, and other herbs recommended in this guide!)

    Practical Protection Magick by Ellen Dugan (Ellen is amazing! Note: Ellen is Wicca so she lives by the Law of 3. Not all witches live by the Wiccan Laws (to be clear these “laws” are pretty new and are most likely something that was added in the 70s to 80s to make witchcraft seem safer to outsiders to allow for religious freedoms.) I do not live by the Wiccan Laws myself so some of her teaching I agree with and some I do not. Either way her experience is worth learning from!)

    Lastly – The Witch’s Shield by Christopher Penczak (His work is absolutely wonderful, similarly he comes from a tradition of witchcraft (traditions are closed practice groups that you need to be accepted and initiated into) so his teachings are a bit more rigid than an Eclectic witch like me prefers. But for beginners, he has a wide area of expertise and his teachings are easy to understand. His foundational teachings are great for all!)

    So can you start somewhere else? Of course, you can. But with a solid understanding of protection and cleansing if you get yourself in hot water with another witch, end up with a spirit attachment, or summon the wrong being you won’t be totally screwed on what to do next! And face it in the world today we could all use a bit more protection!

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