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Forums Forums Mediums Observation of types of energies and places

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    This has been my experiences through my whole life even before I knew I was psychic. My sight may differ from yours, so please share your experiences below. I am new and would love your insight.
    This also includes things that bind places and to the spirit, like in an attachment.
    I’ll also include what I’ve noticed about myself versus spirits.

    Spots of energy in a place:

    My first interaction after my awakening last year was with a predatory astral enity. The house we were staying in had what looked like fleshy cobwebs and spiderwebs in the astral plane. My partner saw this in a lucid dream about the house and said it was the entity’s consciousness spread out. Typically clustered in places of high foot traffic like the stairs, in doorways and places of high energy.
    I had made a hex item in the closet of that house, which had a high concentration of this substance. When hex item was removed, the cobwebs cluster began to move as if searching for something, but stayed in the closet until it was removed. It was extremely hard my for inexperienced self to removeat the time.
    I thought this was negative (I guess it technically is) and cleansings would clear it out. However the spirit was still attached to the occupants of the house and the cobwebs grew back.
    These did disappear once the house was vacant as if it can’t exist without people.

    I’ve interacted with several different entities since and haven’t noted this behavior until I journeyed to a void while astral projecting. Even after closing my portal, cleansing myself and practicing psychic protections something came through. It created the cobweb like “nest” near where the portal had first been opened.
    I banished and cleared the house and us. It didn’t come back.

    Speaking of spots of energy, after a working or astral projecting I’ll leave spots of energy around the space. Typically, this energy gloms onto the cieling above where I was sitting or in the corner near my altar.
    The spot in the tub where I sit to do my ground, center, shield and salt scrub tends to collect a glom of energy as well.
    When I let these accumulate, the rooms can feel dizzying, so I’ve learned to regularly clear out the energy after a working.
    The energy doesn’t have to be neutral. I’ve seen spots of energy left behind because of the pure hatred of the words spoken. To me, like they look like black splatters.

    Sometimes chaotic spots when I’m out and about will catch my attention.

    The nature spirit I work with is associated with a certain tree. I can feel this tree before I see it and can always find my way back to it if I’m lost in the grove. It’s like a beacon I can feel in the center of my head.

    The general energy of places:

    I’ve noticed there is a general energy a place can have. When my guide would visit me from the forest, she would leave the room feeling blessed and comfortable. I wondered if this was just a side effect of her or if it was on purpose. My conclusion is the latter.
    When she first visited me, the feeling lasted for several days and gradually faded, then an average of three days, dropping down to two, then one. Now that she’s encouraging more independence away from her, this blessed feeling is only associated when she is in the room and pretty much leaves with her. I feel as though it’s similar to leaving a T shirt for your dog to prevent anxiety. I’m in a better place than I was when she first visited me.

    These general energies aren’t always positive. I’ve noticed hospitals and assisted-living facilities have an energy over them like a fog. They create a spacey dizzying feeling. Every now and then, I’ll feel like the floor drops an inch.

    Churches can sometimes feel heavy or dizzying. Some churches feel spacey like in a hospital. Some feel powerful and serene. When I was a young teen, there was a church whose grounds I use to go to for a sense of safety and peace. Archangel Micheal feels similar to this place and I wonder now if he was overseeing it.
    Worship can feel alive or droning and completely depends on the community worshiping.

    General heaviness that indicate heavy emotions. When my partner isn’t well, her room turns violet. I’ve walked into a room and felt danger before realizing it was because someone was in a dangerous mindset.
    This works the other way as well with positive emotions.
    My mom use to use toddler me as a gauge on whether the house my family was looking to buy had bad juju on it or was haunted. She said I always knew.
    I use to think she was just crazy, but I don’t know anymore- at least with me being sensitive.

  • Observation of types of energies and places

     Mel_AndCholy updated 1 year ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Glimmerofinsight

    May 7, 2023 at 5:31 pm

    That’s really interesting! Thanks for sharing.

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