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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Odd Ravens by my house

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    So, I was driving out of my homes parking lot and I noticed some big ravens (2) on the front lawn of the church in front of the apartments looking up at the church.

    I live right under a major highway and in the past 11 years of living in this neighbourhood, I have never seen ravens here. (Although I do live in a valley, the only “special birds” seen here are blue jays and cardinals.) I found it quite odd but I felt a sense of comfort.

    I remember for a while, I was having a lot of crows and ravens visit me when the deity I was working with at the time (Loki) left me.

    In the summer, I had a robin staring at me every single morning; wherever I went there was a Robin and it was staring right into my eye, not flinching at all.

    Lately, I have started to practice some beauty magic (???). I have been writing the runic letter algiz (Y with extended vertical line) on my face whenever I do my skin routine, etc.

    I also have been seeing angel numbers and have had a lot of moments where things overlap. Same exact thing, same exact moment.

    Who am I getting a message from this time?

    A little BG info:

    I’ve been recently having a stoke of good luck. My anxiety has been ramping up lately and my depression has been skyrocketing; it makes sense since it’s my first year of college and I don’t have any friends there. I’m pretty much alone, causing a lot of my stresses. Can this good luck be attributed to some spirits or entity calling out for me?

    I’ve been practicing my craft for about two and a half years but don’t study as often as I should. I mostly do divination; tarot cards are my go-to thing but I’ve been learning how to read tea leaves by my mother.

    Note: all the woman on my moms side are psychic including me.

    When I was 16 I worked with Loki and was on (pretty much) good terms with the spirits in my house. The Hat Man and a shadow cat used to watch over me from the basement, it was like a brotherly vibe. But, ever since I got a cat, I’ve lost in contact with all of them, my ability to see them weakened.
    Loki in my journey helped me heal a lot, and dispute the spiders, I was the happiest I’ve ever been. He helped my accept and love myself.

    Abt my personality, to paint a picture; i’m a very musically inclined person, doing various art forms within my life so far, hi creatively right, I really enjoy history and the philosophical questions of life. I also had a near death experience when I was a kid, Idk if that would help??

    Anyways, my real question that I really need help with: Who is trying to contact me, who should I start reaching out to??

    Two weird big ravens in front of a church that were oddly comforting and a stroke of good luck that I cannot explain.

    Srry about grammar, I’m in a rush

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