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Forums Forums Mediums Okay so I just had an elderly spirit take possession of me for like the last two weeks.

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    I figured it out! A while back i saw an elderly figure with a glowing head, he had a walker and such. He “possessed” me so he can experience life one last time before he had passed. For the last like, week or two ive been feeling depersonalized, like my body wasnt my own. Or like I was very far from it but still had control.

    This morning I went to meditate, and it seemed like I was looking through someones eyes. While I was awake, like I was laying on the the ground in new york city. And the second set of eyes blinked while mine was closed in bed.

    From time to time id see a tall sky scraper like building I was i and just like falling from it. Then after seeing the layout,of the city finally it began to make sense

    His spirit found its way to me and began messing with me. It wanted to experience life one more time.

    How i figured this out, I kept seeing a random face when I closed my eyes. Which would go from angry, to sad, then it randomly began crying and showing me a flag like it surrendered.

    So I began telling it

    “its loved its time to move on and its no longer welcome here.”

    To fight back he Showing me random stuff as well. (Things in clouds etc) Today he detached himself and I saw him walking away. So finally he decided it was his time to move on.

    The random images was his way of showing me how he passed. For the record, I hate the elderly since if humor

  • Okay so I just had an elderly spirit take possession of me for like the last two weeks.

     True_Temperature2769 updated 1 year, 4 months ago 2 Members · 10 Replies
  • SinVerguenza04

    December 25, 2022 at 4:44 am

    I’m glad you’re back.

    However, you need to be careful letting spirits take control of you this way. It is in no way healthy for you physically. You seem to be a physical medium and physical mediums need to protect their body because absorbing energy from the dead, even if the dead are benevolent, has a negative impact on physical health. So please be mindful of this and stay safe!

  • gifts-are-chaos

    December 25, 2022 at 4:44 am

    i do a lot of channeling shit.

    protect yourself my friend. Being driven around for 2 weeks is no fuckin fun, I know those feels.

    I suggest deity work, the deities will keep the shit out for you. Write a contract with one.

  • skinwalker44

    December 25, 2022 at 4:44 am

    Is this elderly spirit trying to influence you to go to a bingo game?

  • Mental_Basil

    December 25, 2022 at 4:44 am

    I have a strict no-sharsies policy. I was meditating once and an entity tried to use my hand. Made it start twitching. Naaaaahhhhhh, I shut that shit down quick.

    Imagination shapes energy. So if something is happening that you don’t like, visualize what you want to happen. For instance, I sometimes “close the lid” of my crown Chakra to stop things from bothering me.

    I’ve also used screens and filters on energy cords to help protect me and my loved ones from accidentally sharing yucky energy.

    Ask your subconscious mind how you should protect yourself. Then follow what comes to mind.

  • Markyesque

    December 25, 2022 at 4:44 am

    When I was younger, I had very similar experiences twice before and the possession was exactly as you describe it. The first time I was tricked and it lasted a month, with the spirit fighting to stay, and the second time it was for just a few hours until I realised what was going on and asked the spirit to leave. My protection is much better, now.

  • birdiesunshine

    December 25, 2022 at 4:44 am

    I could be wrong, but it has always been my understanding that human spirits cannot possess things/people. Like I said, I could be wrong, but be careful. Spiritual entities can lie and trick people into believing they are something they are not. Take care.

  • TheCantervilleGhost

    December 25, 2022 at 4:44 am

    Maybe he had to show you those things from his life before he could move on. Good for you for being brave.

  • ItsOk_ItsAlright

    December 25, 2022 at 4:44 am

    Can you pick up his name or anything about him?

  • UnicornPorNyess

    December 25, 2022 at 4:44 am

    Did you have an experience with, uhm, I don’t know how to describe, a voice possession? Like someone is talking through you..

  • VoxKora

    December 25, 2022 at 4:44 am

    Great experience to share with us, thank you. Glad you are fully restored and back in place. Poor fella. Life can be so abruptly ended, and then they see all the things that could’ve been.

    Life is so precious.

    Next time, open a door of light for him. Your heart will know how. Since you’re already a medium, it’s waaaay easier than you think, a doorway that is light that leads to God. I sometimes will see what they interpret that as, as they pass through. Usually it’s an Elysian Fields setting where they acclimate and then are met by a Love embodiment.

    Prayers of protection for your Journey. Blessings.

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