I’ve been reading this subreddit for a while now, now and then making comments and leaving remarks, posting advice if I think it could help (although I want to point out that no person can dictate your spiritual journey). Every now and then the topic of *the light* and what it means to be a medium comes up and I have a lot of problems with the way that some people have depicted it.
# What it means to be a medium
It means absolutely nothing. All it means is that you can speak to spirits. There is no obligation, no contract, and no “right or wrong”. Just like you have brown hair, blue eyes, or are short or tall: it’s just a part of you. You are not obligated to passenger the dead from one world to the next. It is not your life’s work to ferry souls on the river of Styx. Sorry to tell you, but you don’t owe the dead anything.
# The “light” and levels of spirits
Some mediums can only reach spirits who are ‘trapped’ on earth. Like an episode of Ghost Whisperer, these spirits have not completed the “life review” and are having trouble crossing on. Ghosts of trauma like war, suicide, murder etc are also often here longer than others. I call this the “lower level”, it’s also the most likely level that an inexperienced Ouija board used will encounter. The term bottomfeeders has come up now and then, but I do think that’s a bit generalized and cruel.
# Not all mediums are talking to “trapped spirits”!
Not every spirit needs to move on. Many are happy on the “other side” in a perpendicular ‘world/plane’ where they can exist in many places at once. Time and space aren’t the same there. These are the spirits who leave you dimes, the ones who hold your hand to comfort *you.* They are here because they want to be. They’re not trapped, and they don’t need saving. More often than not you need them and not the other way around. Some spirits just like to view life through their ancestors because it’s interesting and fun.
I’m writing this post because I think it’s damaging to go around telling everybody that if they’ve spoken to a spirit they’re supposed to be in an episode of Supernatural, saving the spirits from some kind of existential torment. Sometimes this might be true… but usually it’s the living who want answers from the dead. The dead sometimes comply, and sometimes they don’t.
For example, many people want to know their loved ones are okay. A spirit who has passed on doesn’t need to ask about you, they already know.
Most spirits are at “peace” or whatever you want to call it. Some spirits are “at peace” and don’t want to be dead (they’re people too).
Please stop letting mediumship be so cut and dry! The afterlife, like this life, is *very complex.*