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Forums Forums Psychic Opening and clearing Psychic Channels: Defining gender roles in metaphysic and psychic development practices.

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    Which way do you sway? The polarities (require balance) of male and female forces are found in every spiritual culture and metaphysical text. On the Tree of Life the left pole is masculine and the right pole is feminine. In the yin and yang symbol the white section is male and the black section female, and in astrology the sun (light) is masculine and the moon (dark) is feminine. …but beyond: Boys have a penis and girls have a vagina… What does male and female mean in spirituality?

    *The mind chases and the body dwells…*

    The Greek God Hermes aka Roman Mercury was the God of intuitive messages. One day he saw two snakes fighting and threw down his staff between the two bodies in an efforts to deescalate the feud, but instead of going their separate ways the snakes united by wrapping their bodies around the pole of the staff in harmony to bring peace between them.

    Male: Active Mind

    Female: Emotional Body


    [Hermes Caduceus](

    This is the caduceus (Hermes Staff) and international symbol of healing and peace. The winged pole in the middle represents your true inner nature, the snakes representing the external male (thoughts) and female (emotions) aspects of your personality. The pole is your spinal cord responsible for receiving psychic messages clearly, and each hole between the snakes is a energy center in the body or one of the seven Chakra. To keep energy flowing harmoniously the wheels must continue to turn or the body will sway to one side causing kink and disruption in intuition communication. Which way do you sway? Try this!

    [Image by](


    Stand in tree pose – Take turns alternating sides by balancing on your left leg, then right. Is one side more balanced then the other? If you find yourself teetering on both sides, well… I guess we found the problem!

    **To receive intuitive messages clearly, you must balance the external conflict between the mind and body.**


    Practice: Shocking the Chakras


    [Chakra Shocking](

    Now you discovered Hermes diving rod we use it in spiritual practice to shock clean the Chakra by aligning the spine and balancing thoughts(male) and feeling (female)to open a clear path to intuition.

    1. Sit on the floor with your legs crossed (or in equal positions) and hands on your lap. Do your deep belly breathing to calm focus and close your eyes.
    2. I want you to picture a diving rod like a stream of white light, a thin line shining down on the top of your head…the source out of view.
    3. Now adjust your body and spine. You want the line to enter the top of your center head, and push through stabilizing the spine and out through your tail bone, rooting in the floor beneath you. Sit there until you find the perfect balance, like those levels with the bubble in the middle when you reach center.
    4. Now flush! Turn the light to water and flush it through your entire body like a running tap or cleansing waterfall. Let the light water grab and wash away any dirt of grime clogging your energy centers and push it out of your tail bone (root Chakra) until you are all clean.
    5. Take the opportunity in this clear state of mind to ask your spirit guide a question. They will reply through the five sense (seeing, hearing, touch, taste, smell)… now you have stopped clogging the line with all your masculine thoughts and feminine feelings!

  • Opening and clearing Psychic Channels: Defining gender roles in metaphysic and psychic development practices.

     SuperfriendsK updated 9 months, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • [deleted]

    August 1, 2023 at 8:12 pm

    Thats really practical info wow.

    I counter your helpfulness with my own. I could be wrong but there are times when I feel energy going Up my spine. Follow it up, if it gets missed youll get a body shiver, to the crown, turn it around and allow it to flow down your chakras. I used to get shivers all the time until I got very helpful information: you dont have to do yoga to channel kundalini energy. I always thought it was a requirement..

    I tried your technique immediately and I feel energy going through me thats quite useful. I never thought of it that way and have been relying on crystals to do individual work on them so thank you vm

  • brookeshappening

    August 1, 2023 at 8:12 pm

    it’s not black and white, it’s a rainbow

  • Dazzling-Dare3441

    August 1, 2023 at 8:12 pm

    Wow gotta be one of the best posts I’ve seen on Redit

  • Dazzling-Dare3441

    August 1, 2023 at 8:12 pm

    I’m all about polarity work it’s all around but some people seem to want to neutralize the poles but that’s just not how it works if found in my experience.

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