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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Ostara crafts: What I’m doing (Let me know what you’re doing in the comments! I’d love some inspiration!)

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    I feel like Ostara is often overlooked as a pagan holiday, I see other ones being discussed a lot but with Ostara I think a lot of people associate it with childishness, because it is, after all, a bit like easter. So I just wanted to share some ideas for those who don’t really like the holiday, and maybe get them excited for it.

    I already shared in another post what I’m doing for Ostara non craft related, but I forgot that I’ll also be planting my nest egg gourds, so that is something to add.

    First I’ll be painting my already cured nest egg gourds. I have a bunch of them, so I’ll do three things with them.

    \#1: turning nest egg gourds into a long term spell container. I’m planning on cutting the top off, adding my ingredients, sealing the top back on, and decorating the outside. Once I’m done doing that, I’ll leave the gourd outside and as long as the gourd lasts, the spell will grow.

    \#2: Painting nest egg gourds. I love painting, but I’m not very good at it. So painting eggs on easter was something I never even attempted as a self conscious child, with peers looking over my back. But now I realize that none of us witches give a shit about how it looks, as much as how it makes us feel and how much intention is poured in, so I’ll be having fun and doing what I want, and I really encourage you to do the same. Looking back, I wish I had the confidence as a child to do what I wanted with my free time, but I was always scared of my friends or my family laughing at me. I’m so glad I can just let myself be myself at such an early age as I am, so please just ignore what your family says. The first few times are hard, but after a few tries it gets easier.

    \#3: I’ll be brainstorming some fun spell ideas, by stuffing an egg with a small hole in the bottom with spell ingredients and writing down my wishes on the shell, then leaving it out in nature, it’ll be a way of casting a fun spell. I’ve also been thinking about ways I can do eco-friendly paper mache (If anyone knows how, please let me know.) so I can make spells with that. So far, I haven’t found anything. One more idea for a spell container, is simple plastic Easter eggs. These can obviously be reused, and I have some from when I was a kid, so I might end up using some of these.

    \#4: Clay sculpting. I love sculpting with clay, so obviously for me this is an obvious rout to go. If you’re inexperienced in working with clay, I suggest trying it as you can make so much for your craft with it. Sculpey is a good polymer clay to use for beginners and experienced sculptors alike, and as for air dry clay, you’ll have to experiment. Paper clay, I’ve found, is harder to use than stone clay. but stone clay can be really hard to work with. So my suggestion is to just not buy anything too cheap. But back onto what I’m sculpting, I’ll be using polymer clay to make some faces for Ostara poppets (Chick faces, bunny faces, and the poppets will be for fertile ground and seed growth.)

    \#5: Finally, I’ll be making some sketches of lots of flowers, in order to manifest them. Hopefully this will work out well and I’ll be able to use art manifestation to add life to my flowers.

    That’s all I can think of! I hope you’ll share what you’re doing for Ostara, crafty or not, in the comments! I love hearing what you all are doing, I swear my practice has been aided so many times by your helpful selves, I wouldn’t be where I am right now if it weren’t for all of you. Have a nice day!

  • Ostara crafts: What I’m doing (Let me know what you’re doing in the comments! I’d love some inspiration!)

  • saltandred

    March 23, 2022 at 3:54 am

    I will make a Greek Easter specialty, a sweet bread. I will plant the seeds I blessed on Imbolg and tend to the garden, put out sugar water plates for the bumblebees and then watch them fly in. Aaaaand I will totally make an Easter egg hunt for my kids and have even more fun than them!

  • kai-ote

    March 23, 2022 at 3:54 am

    Ran across this. Don’t know how well it will work, but it is a Nature friendly recipe at least.


    Hope it works well. BB.

  • Seabastial

    March 23, 2022 at 3:54 am

    I’m planning on making some cookies and creme bunnies. I bought a bunny-shaped silicone mold tray and got the idea to use it to make small cookies and creme bunnies. I’ve always seen white chocolate as being more of a spring thing because of how sweet it is, but not a lot of people like white chocolate by itself (I know I don’t), so I decided to make it cookies and creme. I’m also going to be making an Ostara simmer pot with lemon balm, catnip, raspberries, strawberries, and maybe a couple of flowers as well.

Reply to: Shin-yolo
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