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Forums Forums Psychic Past life memories: You have had them…I promise!

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    [u/EmbyrSpirit]( – Sorry was spying on your comments! I am quite impressed, but may I answer this question for you?

    My first past life regression… was my OWN current one!

    I woke up in my body, around the age of six, with a complete sense of self. My entire life had flashed before my eyes.

    – Jumping out of my crib and on to brown bean bags

    – The hand painted pictures of cookie monster and big bird on my wall

    – The move downstairs

    – Putting up the rainbow wallpaper in my current room

    The theory is the personal memory does not kick in until five years old. You observe life, and recall memories like, “There was a car, it was green, a man…”

    After five you are like… “So dad was sitting in the driveway, wearing that stupid shirt, and mom walks outside and…”

    This is why children under the age of five can easily recall past lives, their own identity to the current one has not evolved yet.

    I saw how the spirit evolves once by looking in to a dying baby, he just would not attach, and wanted nothing to do with his earthly body.

    So anyway… later on about fifteen years old, my parents decided that being separated for ten years was not traumatic enough for me, and got back together… At this phase of my life, I was now allowed to see the “bad years of their marriage” also known as my childhood, and discovered something very interesting. Photographs confirming the memories of my flashback. Full colored imagines… ok brown tinted images, of Sesame Street characters, hand painted in the “upstairs unit” on my wall in-front of crib with brown bean bag chairs underneath, preventing me from getting hurt, when jumping out of my crib.

    I never talked about that flash, because it was real… not some storybook idea I could grasp as a child. When studying past lives I recalled this flash. It is regression, you need to release your idea of current identity to remember… who you were!

    Ask about your childhood, look at pictures, and “regress” to the age of five, and before… what was most important to you? That should trigger some past live memories for sure!

  • Past life memories: You have had them…I promise!

     SuperfriendsK updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • EmbyrSpirit

    December 3, 2021 at 1:00 pm

    Thanks I’ll try that next time i do the past life regression meditation.

    Do you have a specific meditation you do? The one on YouTube doesn’t work for me.

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