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Forums Forums Psychic Pathworking: The Devil and the Seven Major Sins

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    >I was shown a person who was taking their last breath. But with this one, their soul was in a shape of a green orb. Upon concentrating on their orb I began to see images of two children, one boy and one girl, traveling alongside a tunnel dancing and playing around with each other. The vibe that I felt with them was that they were related to each other. I also saw images of those two enjoying themselves in a meadow picking different flowers. From what the orb was showing those were the memories of the person on their deathbed. – Temperance

    I must admit… I did not respond to this session. I was too busy getting lost in the Devil Card myself yesterday! I felt the need to wait, as walking in the tunnel is very interesting, but this green orb had me all tied up. Waking up to the devil card today… I felt a strange synchronicity and anxiously read for my prediction!

    >I saw the life of a witch. The villagers call her a witch out of some fear of her. She is a beautiful young girl with blonde hair and a fair skin complexion. I then saw an alter of a king resting on his throne. In the back of him was this shadow of a woman with a crooked grin whispering to him orders. – Devil

    I must remember that while I personally was natured and nurtured in this life to be a psychic, 99.99% people who have abilities have not. I forget the reason people are so ignorant to the secrets of the occult is because, it has never been proper!

    I constantly joke about kind normal neighbors moving in next door, totally legit, but just happen to like very heavy metal… what would we do? I can hear then saying they met as children, and bonded over the frightening music of the era to fall in love. That listening to it brings a sense of nostalgia and reminds them of happy memories…nope! I am known to spin a little drum and base to remember the days when I was youthful and carefree, but to hear the screaming of Gore from the other side of the fence… I would go mad!

    Everyone has a dark side, a shadow that lets loose now and then, but the truth is our occult darkness is still “scary” and “frightening” to others. Those with the deepest souls have been through the darkest of times, and need to take time to collect ourselves and our purpose without giving in…to the 7 sins.

    * Pride

    Instant Gratification makes like meaningless

    * Sloth

    Laziness makes life insufferable

    * Wrath

    Rage makes life stressful

    * Gluttony

    Overindulgence makes life unmanageable

    * Greed

    Selfishness makes life lonely

    * Lust

    Longing makes life unfulfilling

    * Envy

    Jealousy makes life competitive

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