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Forums Forums Astrology People with heavy moon placements – How do you emotionally cope? I need advice

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    So I need advice.

    To preface: my Leo moon is tightly conjunct Chiron and both are opposite Saturn in Aquarius. Also my Saturn is in the fifth house and Moon/Chiron in the 11th. Also my sun is in Capricorn.

    This moon placement has been hard to deal with at the best of times. I’m emotionally hypersensitive, I’ve felt a deep loneliness and bottomless sadness my whole life, before I even learned the words to describe it. I’ve been told I cover it very well, and don’t bring other people down.

    As of two days ago my saturn return reached the exact degree of conjunction. Something new happened – nothing bad, technically good objectively, but it’s triggered a whole load of emotions and hurt for me and I’m not quite sure how to deal.

    My one friend who I would usually talk to about this hasn’t replied to me since new years, which is compounding the hurt. The other one is crazy busy at work but the hurt also involves them. It’s complicated.

    My outlet as a kid was to run as fast as I could – but I’ve been dealing with chronic illness for quite a while. It’s robbed all my outlets from me, many friends, my ability to work, and has compounded the feelings of loneliness and isolation over the years.

    Right now I’ve just been drinking a lot of tea and silently crying into it.

    It would make me feel less alone, to hear of your stories and experiences with heavy moon aspects. Does it feel completely overwhelming at times? All the time? It does for me. And if you have any advice, on how to cope, whether practical or abstract, I’d would really love to hear it.

    Many thanks

  • People with heavy moon placements – How do you emotionally cope? I need advice

    [deleted] updated 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 10 Replies
  • ForsakenCondition88

    January 31, 2021 at 1:49 pm Here’s my Moon. Notice how it makes an aspect to everything, except the North Node. I often wonder what it would be like to do something in life because it is good for me, profitable, healthful, etc., and NOT need to also *feel good about doing it*. To think how much further ahead in life I could be if I could make a plan and stick to it, even if the going is slow, boring, or frustrating, because I know it’ll be good for me in the end.

    You have a Fire Moon so it makes sense for you to go to physical things to burn off the excess emotion that you carry. But I’m a Water Moon. Imagine a glass of water that gets jostled. The glass may look unperturbed on the outside but inside, the water is sloshing back and forth, flowing against every part of the interior surface, and it needs to be left untouched for a while in order for the water to calm down. Likewise, when I’m emotionally jostled, that perturbation can send my emotions swirling around over every different compartment of my brain… well, you get it. After a day of work I need to be either completely alone or with a very, very rare type of person who is calm, mild, and doesn’t suck psychic energy out of me just by looking at me. Yes I’m hypersensitive too I suppose, but since I’m Cancer Sun I react by getting moody and withdrawn.. and my Scorpio Ascendant sometimes adds a subtle poison stinger if I’m in a really bad mood.

  • explodelikestars

    January 31, 2021 at 1:49 pm

    Ah hey, I have my virgo moon 6h conjunct chiron, opposite saturn aqua. Moon square pluto.
    It’s so hard. I notice a lot of things I do are connected to those aspects. Especially when I feel bad, I do tend to go to drugs or try to be comforted by another person. It’s hard for me to really face reality and be present if I’m alone a lot. I go to therapy weekly and that seems to be helping so far. But my Saturn return also just started and I’ve been fucking up. Trying not to get upset at myself for mistakes I’ve been making.

  • RyukinSpace

    January 31, 2021 at 1:49 pm


    I have Leo Moon Square Pluto—explosive emotional reactions. The only thing that has helped has been learning how to transcend my emotions with meditation. I cannot recommend this practice enough. Find yourself a good teacher. It really works.

  • ALibraRising

    January 31, 2021 at 1:49 pm

    I have the same moon placement—leo in the 11th

    It’s conjunct my Jupiter, mercury, and Mars. That stellium squares my Pluto

    With an 11th house moon, it’s natural to go to friends for support. A lot of the time it not about having them say anything. Rather, the idea is for them to hold a space for you to vent

    Since friends aren’t always available or you don’t want to rely on them, a therapist has been my biggest help.

    As leo moons, we’re passionate as hell, incredibly proud, and struggle when we don’t feel good about ourselves. So, having that professional sounding board to provide that space has been an awesome way to help counterbalance that

    I’ve also found a community online with people who share similar interests and understand the intricacies of strong emotions. We know we can reach out when we’re feeling good, and we know it’s ok not to respond until then. When I found my online homies, I felt better because I knew they cared from afar

    When I’m upset and alone, I tell myself good things about myself—even if I don’t feel it. Try not to let yourself get too sarcastic, though. Stick to genuine compliments

    At the end of the day, we have strong, passionate feelings and it’s ok. I explain this to my friends and family, so they understand why I react more strongly than other people. It doesn’t make it ok to be an ass or extra rude. Instead, it’s meant to give them insight into my brain and how I process emotions

    I hope this helps! It’s a difficult placement and if can suck at times. But you can learn to manage it. you’ve got this ????

  • Sure-Issue

    January 31, 2021 at 1:49 pm

    Aries Moon 4th house opposition Chiron, making a T-square with Asc and Neptune in Cap, Mercury, Uranus and Jupiter all Aqua 1st house. The only other aspects to my Moon is a weak sextile to the Sun and a trine to Lilith. Growing up, all I learned about what to do with my emotions is to lock in my room and cry in silence. Positive or negative, I never learned how to express emotions in a healthy way, specially strong ones because my mother didn’t like it since strong emotions make her uncomfortable and anxious, so she didn’t knew how to react to mine and encouraged me to not show them.

    I relate so much to what you say, particularly that deep and very present feeling of sadness and emptiness from a very young age. A had to grow up fast a act like an adult very early. People always praised me for being so mature and for many other things, but I never felt truly appreciated as a person. For a long time I sincerely thought that I didn’t deserved to be liked and loved like a person but more like an object that can be possessed and shown, like a pretty doll or a porcelain figurine, because that’s how I had been treated like for so long. I also learned how to hide that pain and make sure people can’t tell so I didn’t had to give explanations or make them worry and feel bad because of me.

    Therapy it’s been my way to process all of this, I’m no way near where I want to be and I’m not sure if I can even reach that place, but it’s getting better little by little. It’s difficult to maintain friendships as an adult, but my friends are the strongest emotional bonds I have, and I’ve learned so much about dealing with and expressing emotions from them. I know it’s hard and it can feel like loneliness and darkness swallows you whole, but being aware of your weakness is the first step to work on yourself and overcome. Knowing where it hurts, how and why is how you can find a treatment and even maybe a cure. Hope you feel better, not sure if my experience might help you but I sincerely wish you the best.


    January 31, 2021 at 1:49 pm

    my 12H moon is conjunct with my neptune, which is in an *exact* conjunction with my ascendant. basically, i have no idea who i am or why i have the emotions i have. hell, sometimes i have no idea what my emotions even are. it hurts so bad because i feel like i have no identity, and since my moon is in the twelfth house, i’ve undergone a lot of shit emotionally. very transformative placement i feel like if i utilize it correctly, but when i’m emotionally distraught, i become reclusive and fearful. oh well

  • Castlewallsxo

    January 31, 2021 at 1:49 pm

    I’m a moon dominant and I am also hypersensitive and I’m overwhelmed by it. However I also have no water signs which makes me not really want to talk about it

    As for advice…maybe distract yourself with a hobby?

  • Lotusbabes

    January 31, 2021 at 1:49 pm

    I would recommend trying something like eft and perhaps also byron katie as different means to communicate and understand your moon thoughts more effectively (byron) and process them (eft). ????

  • kiersten25

    January 31, 2021 at 1:49 pm

    My Aquarius moon (4H, basically right on top of my IC) squares my Scorpio Mars (1H) and conjuncts my Aquarius sun + Neptune (both 3H), and also conjuncts my Aquarius Uranus (4H).

    It may not seem that difficult at first but it can be very difficult as it holds a lot Uranian energy which can be chaotic and unstable. The fact that it conjuncts my IC should be a good thing, but I feel like whenever the moon or IC is in an non idealistic placement, them two conjuncting one another makes it worse as it makes one very affected by their childhood and nurture/security and if it’s in a sign that is detached and unstable it can be detrimental as it is harder to heal those wounds of being emotionally neglected as a kid. With it squaring Mars (1H) it’s quite conflicting, my actions and needs do not align up, and it can make me feel resentful about how my life never seems to be going right or fair. With it conjuncting my sun, it makes me less diverse compared to other people who have their sun and moon sign in different signs. With it conjuncting Neptune it makes me dissociate when it comes to my feelings more than I already would given it’s in Aquarius. And with it conjuncting Uranus, I feel very spastic and never really stable or secure, which can cause conflict since the moon is supposed to represent our security.

    But for me I’ve always found it helpful to read poetry about what I’m feeling in that particular moment. But with all of my placements listed above I often don’t really know the extent to what I’m feeling, which is when it’s easier to journal or write poetry — which in turn gives me more clarity to what I am feeling and can make things feel easier to manage than if I just kept all of my thoughts in my head.

  • [deleted]

    January 31, 2021 at 1:49 pm


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