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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Physical auras and what they can achieve

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    Physical Auras are highly shown in anime and movies as something easy to achieve when realistically that is not accurate. Unless your extremely magically tuned when you was born. After mediation and 2 years of work I’ve learned a way to create a energy aura around you 24/7. This will allow you to do way more advanced spells in my experience such as the following (Helping partners with periods all the way to extreme healing.)

    Basically Physical Auras just gives the magic user a nearly infinite energy source since your infinitely multiplying your own energy. This is a rather hard thing to come by for information at least the type I’m learning and how I use it. Please if anyone has any information that sounds similar let me know.

    For things that could be used other than Physical Auras honestly there isn’t much that rivals the same level of energy at the safety and amount of energy you get when it comes to mastering Physical Auras.

    Also depending on what others want I could easily post a part 2 explaining the mediation technique or if rather I could teach anyone who wants to be taught I do not require payment only that you teach one other.

Reply to: PGS_Owl16
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