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Forums Forums Astrology Pisces and Exhaustion

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    My friend and I are born a couple days apart and so all of our placements are the same aside from our moon and risings. I’m Cancer/Sag/Pisces and she’s Cancer/Scorpio/Gemini. I pretty much assume we are the same but there are moments that I realize that is not the case at all.

    I came back from an event the other day and was describing how exhausted I feel in groups sometimes (she is quiet like me but seeks social settings whereas I spend a lot of time alone). I was describing how I’m kinda subconsciously reading and feeling people all the time, every little movement, reading how they feel, and then getting overwhelmed.

    This was a new concept to her entirely. She was like, yikes, that must be exhausting.

    Is this not normal? I wonder if me being this way is the reason I’m always so exhausted and prefer solitude. Even at home walking into common spaces, I do not look forward to being in the same room as her, my best friend, because I can feel the energy tax of just trying to read her energy. Like what?

    Can other big three Pisces placement folks relate?

Reply to: SeaShell345
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