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Forums Forums Mediums Pregnant and experiencing negative spirits

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    Hi all, I just wanted advice/insight about this as I am brand new to pregnancy, not spirits. I want to know why this is happening or to hear some theories from this community.

    So a couple weeks ago I found out I was pregnant for the first time! Shocked doesn’t begin to describe my feelings! But happy nonetheless, everything spiritually feels right on the path I need to be on.

    Anyways, I have always seen/felt spirits, demonic entities. I have my practices that keep me safe and mostly as of the last couple years guarded from these things..
    However, since I noticeably showed signs and confirmed my pregnancy, I have been having vivid dreams that leave me internally exhausted. I am fighting something dark in these dreams. Before I fall asleep every night I feel and see with my third eye these ‘things’ that just try to scare me and I feel like drain me. Is it because of the pregnancy that they sense some sort of attraction to a new soul or vulnerability in myself? I welcome any ideas, as this is relatively strange for me. 🙂

    ALSO…. my husband insisted I ask, salt keeps negative energies out. Would it be possible, to bury pipe filled with salt around the perimeter of our home/land that would further reduce or block said negative energies?
    AGAIN all in theory… thank you!

  • Pregnant and experiencing negative spirits

    MamaSmAsh5 updated 3 years, 2 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • MamaSmAsh5

    February 17, 2021 at 9:17 pm

    I’m just here as a mother who knows, things that happen to you both physically and mentally from the moment you conceive your first child are insane and can be fueling anything you may have already had before. I’m not sure what this is pointing to, whether it’s something dark you are fighting or if this is just fears coming to the surface with these new hormones, thoughts or whatever surging. Motherhood is intense. I hope someone can give you clearer answers. I just wanted to share that I know what I’ve had happen and felt since becoming a mom.

Reply to: Neville
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