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Forums Forums Psychic Psychic dreams

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    So a bit of background. I have DID, and with this comes some psychic abilities on its own. I have the ability to read emotions and the general energy of a room. I can also experience “post cognition” in that a lot of times I can sense a person’s life history upon meeting them. I also have an interesting thing with time. For example, if I look at a clock it’s typically at the :00 or :30 minute mark. Or if I wake up in the middle of the night it’s 3:00 am. I have dreams about specific times, which end up being within 15 minutes of a terminally ill person or animal dies. I’ve had prophetic dreams. This was before I started ketamine (psychedelic) therapy.

    Recently my depression got really bad, and my doctor recommended ketamine therapy. I had 4 doses, with the last being on Monday.

    Ever since I started, I’ve had more than the usual psychic experiences. Friday night I had a dream about the Indonesia plane crash before it happened. My husband speaks a “dead” language (neo-Aramaic/Assyrian). I hear English words in my head, and know what the word is in Assyrian, before he tells me what it is. There’s no way I would have known these words, otherwise. There are more, but it’s just too confusing to even write down.

    I need some advice because I just feel like I’m becoming more aware of the reality/universe that no one else can see, sense, hear and it’s really scary. (I do not experience psychosis). I guess I just really need to learn how to develop skills and boundaries around my expanding consciousness before it consumes me, and don’t know where to start. It is starting to really affect my marriage.

    Thanks for reading

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