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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Question about Purple Aster Uses

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    I found from a site that Purple Aster (don’t remember the Latin name) has a property to help **Ward off Evil** and can be used as a protection in the place of sage. Has anyone else read this?

    Also, what can anyone tell me about Goldenrod, all I’ve managed to find is burning the flowers brings wealth to the person and leaves can be burned for lust/sex.

  • Question about Purple Aster Uses

  • Ismyra

    October 11, 2021 at 4:15 pm

    Purple is often associated with psychic or spiritual protection. If you’re struggling to find a use for a certain plant I always recommend looking up the mundane properties of it. If the plant is toxic it could be used for cures. If it’s used to make medicine then healing would make sense. If it’s a psychoactive then dream work or spiritual work makes sense. Some plants stunt the growth of other things around them so they’re good for banishment. Some plants are antibacterial so cleansing and protection would work.

    Goldenrod has a lot of medicinal applications so that’s probably what I’d go with. Aster can be made into a laxative apparently so cleansing isn’t a bad choice, but it’s also good for healing. When it comes to different colored flowers I find that specific colors are best for specific things. So for a purple aster I would associate it with spiritual cleansing and healing while a blue one I would probably associate with emotional healing.

    I dont rely on sources that don’t explain why certain things have a specific association. You can also look at mythology to help you! Some plants are associated with certain gods so in kind would take on the properties of that god or thr story surrounding them. Like hyacinth were said to have sprung fourth from the blood of Hyacinth, a man who Apollo was said to love. So it is often associated with homosexual love and rebirth.

    Hope that helps!

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