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Forums Forums Mediums Question/discussion about cats

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    I’m not sure if I should be posting this here or in r/spirituality but as mediums and people who can communicate with the departed, I’m mostly interested in your experiences and opinions!

    So I know cats have a history of being highly regarded when it comes to the spiritual realm that spans many different cultures and centuries. I’ve been told before cats are keepers of the metaphysical realm and dogs are keepers of the physical.

    Do you have any opinions or experiences with cats specifically regarding them being “gate keepers”, spirituality-related things, spirit guides, “familiars”, etc.?

    I know animals are more sensitive in general and the topic of animals and their sensitivities kinda fascinates me. I’m mainly interested in cats because I have one that is *somethin’ else.* I think she’s definitely a “familiar”, especially since she kinda chose me instead of the other way around, but if you have any insight or opinions about animals in general on this subject, I’m interested to hear! Also, if you know of any good books, blogs, YouTubers, tiktokers, or podcasts on this topic that you’d recommend, I’d love to check some out and read more about this! TIA. Blessings and love to all. 🤍

  • Question/discussion about cats

     ladybug5551111 updated 1 year, 2 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • LieUnlikely7690

    February 8, 2023 at 11:03 pm

    I’ve had two cats in my life, and they both came to me. I’ve never went to get a cat or thought about it before they came into my life.

    The first cat, Pikachu, was like a dog to me, and only me. He would come when I called, secretly follow me to school or in the woods. He’s saved my life, not like I was suicidal kind of thing, I had drank too much and took drugs and passed out in my snow suit in my room in the middle of the night. He woke my parents up and brought them to me. That’s not typical cat behavior, but he wasn’t your typical cat…

    The Second cat, Willow, was like my little princess. She loved us all but she was my cat. She was with me through some of the hardest times of my life, and was often my only comfort. We lost her last March to a dog attack. I literally had to put my hands in his mouth and pull back where the jaws meet to make him release her. I was trying to understand my intuition vs ego at that point in my life. She passed me going downstairs, where my wife grooms dogs, and my gut told me to bring her up but I knew how much she loved being downstairs so I dismissed it…

    I’ve felt both of them since passing.

    I’m type 1 bipolar and Pikachu came to me when I was amidst the worst of my psychotic episode and I seen him walk into the bathroom where he told me to “listen to the water”.

    I felt Willow come in through the hole I cut for her in the screen one day while I was grieving,like she’d done a million times before and I just told her everything I felt. It was very therapeutic and I’m a bit better about everything that happened now.

    I strongly believe they were both guardian angels of a sort looking out for me during different periods of my life and I love and miss them dearly. I cried the whole time I wrote this, and I now recognize my intuition and will always listen to it.


  • Ghst_404

    February 8, 2023 at 11:03 pm

    I have experience with cats see the other side. Physically speaking they have a perception of sight that we humans don’t t have. It allows them to see things like the spirits world. Puts me in the mind of how some animals see colors differently and how some animals hear different frequencies we humans can’t. But spiritually speaking, I thought the reason why them could see the other side as they do because they had relations to goddess Bastet. Also it may have been because they learned (the egyptians) that cats could see the other side, and that’s why in Egyptian myth cats are regarded so highly.

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