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Forums Forums Psychic Question to Clairs

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    Newly self-discovered Claircognizant here. When you first discovered your gift, did it ever frustrate you when people doubted what you were telling them and made it seem like you were stupid, only for it to come to pass and then they still discredited you or denied that it had anything to do with the spirit realm? I hate when people make me doubt my abilities. It’s like, I know what I know and there is no way to explain it in scientific terms. It’s like people don’t want the truth and will shame us for giving it to them. I’m constantly doubting my abilities even though I have proven myself dozens of times. It frustrates me when people think psychic abilities are all hocus pocus. I used to think like that until I realized I had one, now believing that it’s real and not all in my head is the hard part because a lot of people like to assume we are just cray cray or self-righteous know it all’s. I resonate so much with this quote from Hamlet where he says

    ”I may be but mad North-North West. When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw.”

    It’s exactly how I feel. People may think I’m crazy but I know what’s what.

  • Question to Clairs

     [deleted] updated 2 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • SuperfriendsK

    January 5, 2022 at 9:04 am

    You are not crazy… just very very psychic!

    This is the problem, when the ability is nurtured, the psychic mind can do out of this world things. Psychics have a huge problem with offering “unsolicited” advice. You stop when people start paying for it, then you hold your words to more value.

    It is also hard for us to see people hurting, so when they don’t take the advice, it cripples us, even may end a friendship. One of the reason people don’t acknowledge their internal X-Men, is because there are so many more others who are ignorant. You are in a safe place here, we all believe you!

  • SiwelRise

    January 5, 2022 at 9:04 am

    > I used to think like that until I realized I had one, now believing that it’s real and not all in my head is the hard part because a lot of people like to assume we are just cray cray or self-righteous know it all’s.

    You’re talking about two things. You believing it’s real and others believing it’s real. If it happens enough times for you then accept that it is true. You can even try writing each time it happened down. Don’t worry about whether other people believe you. And don’t offer unsolicited advice or information. There will be a lot fewer problems this way.


    January 5, 2022 at 9:04 am

    You are not a psychic – you just get involved in other people’s personal lives then run away when you’ve messed things up.

    This user low-key doxxed me, messaged an ex of mine and then wouldn’t stop messaging him when I asked because “she knew what she was doing because she’s a psychic”. She then wouldn’t even explain what she’d been talking about.

    That is crazy. You don’t have a gift

  • HottentotTot

    January 5, 2022 at 9:04 am

    If you’re new at this…I know at times it may seem like you have so much to share. It’s important to learn that boundaries matter in the spiritual realm as well as the physical. The people you are feeling frustrated with – – are you giving any advice or relaying any messages they haven’t asked for, by chance? We need to either wait for people to come to us or ask their permission before giving them extrasensory information. It isn’t necessarily helpful or right to push the truth on people who aren’t prepared to hear it.

    Our gifts are not given to magnify our ego. It’s important to be aware of other people’s needs. It’s also important to understand that even when it’s time for us to share, the message itself isn’t ours. Whether other people accept it isn’t about us.

    The sense I get is that perhaps you might be sharing in order to receive validation from other people. If I’m right, that would be an opportunity to dig deeper and do some vulnerability work with a therapist about why you’re not feeling heard or respected. It feels like a childhood wound. Boundary work could be very helpful for you.

    FWIW I love Hamlet. Good luck on this journey, and I hope you learn to trust yourself and let go of yourself at the same time. May be easier said than done. 🙂

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