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    my wife is kind of psychic. she can read tarot and see images around a person to guide her reading, she sees ghosts, her mother and sisters appear to have some degree of ability when they dream of family members passing. This question is about my daughter. She’s about to turn 20 next month (sept) but she has been having experiences most of her life that she’s trying to understand because it seems like it’s happening more frequently (I see in this sub that 21 is an important milestone for psychics).

    * She’s been able to communicate with people who have passed sometimes relaying information to the loved one about past bits of information that might never have been shared with others
    * She’s seen through the eyes of a ghost and felt what was going on in his mind
    * She’s gone into a trance and said stuff to her friends that she doesn’t remember while looking at a non-existent mirror in a house with a lingering spirit
    * she’s dreamed of future events before they happen but doesn’t understand what she’s seeing until it actually happens

    edit: I forgot to include the question:

    she’s wondering how to control the ability so it doesn’t seem like she’s a schizophrenic

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     Mateo updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Kether_Nefesh

    November 1, 2021 at 12:54 pm

    The 21st year is when the human’s fourth member of their body unfolds, the Ego body, the “I am” the Tetragrammaton – the “spirit.”

    From birth to the change in teeth, about age 7, a human is largely a physical body – the other three members are kind of held in trust so to speak by higher beings. At the change in teeth, about age 7, the human etheric body unfolds – the life body – memory rapidly develops. At puberty – around age 14, the human astral body unfolds, the body of “emotions and feelings” – well, now we know why they are called moody teenagers. Here comes your daughter, at around the age of 21, the Ego or Will body unfolds.

    The human body undergoes higher stages of unfoldment up to the 49th year, but that is not important right now.

    At 21, we are now “responsible for our own actions” as far as the spiritual world goes.

    She should be able to naturally control her abilities, so long as she focuses on development of the will. There is a booked called How to Know Higher Worlds by Rudolf Steiner that teaches will development exercises.

    This allows someone to control when they want to access the higher worlds and when they want to just be like the rest of the world.

  • cedarman1

    November 1, 2021 at 12:54 pm

    This is very doable, she needs to spend time with skilled and experienced psychics. She has a rare gift that needs to be developed and controlled

  • stargazer933

    November 1, 2021 at 12:54 pm

    Based on what you have posted this is natural and part of life for your daughter. It sounds like she has grown up with others who accept the use of intuition and reality of extra sensory perception. If she feels like things have been ramping up and she has concerns she may consider discussing it within the family.

    Regarding being perceived as a schizophrenic, there are pretty straightforward criteria that have to be met. If you want to see it google DSM 5 (diagnostic statistical manual of mental health disorders ‘five’) and symptoms of schizophrenia you can easily find the criteria. If there are concerns find mental and health care professionals who have spiritual leanings or at least an open mind. When disclosing her experiences she will have to use her judgment and gut feelings.

    If additional support is needed there a a whole bunch of Facebook groups, and groups here on Reddit. Ultimately, she needs to find what resonates with her and to understand that everything she needs she already knows. I hope this is helpful.

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