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    quite a STABBY reading — aka too many swords!

  • quite a STABBY reading — aka too many swords!

    lipsmaka updated 3 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 19 Replies
  • k8ldj

    January 29, 2021 at 2:47 am

    I asked my deck for some insight regarding the number synchronicity 1111, which I’ve been seeing a lot the last few days, hoping maybe it could clarify what this synchronicity means or if it means anything at all. But JEEZ my cards revealed some alarming signs. PS I’m fairly new at this so there may be various interpretations of different cards I’m missing or unaware of. I also would appreciate any insight about what the cards mean in context with each other. All the swords in this reading kinda freaked me out and I was hoping someone else would be willing to share their inteprertation :)))

    Deck: Mystic Faerie Tarot by Barbara Moore and Linda Ravenscroft

    First Card: 7 of Swords
    This card seemingly embodies deception and betrayal… which is worrying. I can’t imagine a current scenario in my life where I’ve consciously betrayed or deceived someone, so I fear I may be on the receiving end of this. Could it be a warning to keep an eye out for someone with ill intentions? Although I can’t really think of anyone in my life who would act this way towards me.

    Second Card: 3 of swords
    This card’s most obvious meaning is related to heartbreak, pain, and grief. I am currently not experiencing any sort of heartbreak, but I fear the card may be telling me I will soon experience loss and sorrow. As of right now I am in a relationship and I will be moving across the country for 3 months at the start of March, could this card be referencing the sadness I will feel by being separated from my partner? I’ve been gone from him for this amount of time before and have coped more or less pretty well, but I do feel much closer to him now, maybe it will be harder this time around?

    Third card: Queen of swords reversed
    The Queen of Swords reversed may reflect that I am letting emotions to get the better of me, and that I am putting my heart before my head. Or it could potentially mean others are clouding my ability to make decisions.

    Fourth Card: Ten of Swords reversed
    The Ten of Swords reversed can possibly indicate that I am avoiding an inevitable change or ending because I’m not ready to address that it is going to happen. In a way, I can relate this to my current romantic relationship because we both know I’m leaving in a month but we both have put off addressing it. We know its coming but we just try to avoid thinking or talking about it. I’m also aware that the
    Ten of Swords reversed can appear as sign that pain, sadness, and suffering is coming to and end, which I’m thinking could maybe signify me eventually moving on from the heartbreak and sorrow predicted from the 3 of swords?

    Fifth Card: Page of Pentacles
    The Page of pentacles may point to my determination to manifest a personal goal or dream. It may be depicting a motivation and energy to begin the process of turning those dreams to reality. This card seemed a little out of place in regard to the other cards I pulled, but perhaps there’s a relevance to its placement that I’m missing.

    Also it may me noteworthy for me to mention that both the 7 of swords and the 10 of Swords appeared earlier today in another reading as well as the page of pentacles in a separate additional reading. I shuffled the cards thoroughly and pulled from random parts of the deck each time, so I don’t think the repeated cards were a result of poor shuffling.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this !! Any insight is appreciated <3✨????????

  • arielrecon

    January 29, 2021 at 2:47 am

    I love that you called it a stabby reading. That made me audibly chuckle.

    So the 7 of swords can also mean turning a blind eye to something. As you’ve said you and your bf have been ignoring the fact that you’re leaving soon for a period of time, maybe you two need to address this? Or maybe there is something else in your life that you’ve been denying is happening?

    I feel like you’re probably right with the 3 of swords. If it is to do with your time away, pretending it’s not happening may lead to more sadness and heartbreak than if you deal with those emotions a little bit at a time before you have to leave.

    The queen of swords may mean that you will be feeling bitter after this heartbreak, you may act cold and unfeeling, this would be a detriment I think.

    The 10 of swords is likely referencing recovery from this heartbreak that may be coming. So no matter how awful that period of time is, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, you will get through it.

    The page of pentacles is a very bright and hopeful card, especially after such a stabby reading. After all the hardship you may experience, you will be able to find a new opportunity that will help you accomplish your hopes and dreams. Like you need the upheaval to grow and flourish.

    Overall while your reading does seem ominous, there is a distinct happiness at the end that makes the rough path seem worth it. You should give us an update if you can. ????????✨

  • Particular_Phase3439

    January 29, 2021 at 2:47 am

    I’m new too but I wonder if your query about 1111 triggered the swords cards in someway. As weird as it sounds, 1111 looks like swords! ????????

  • StarFishAreEvil

    January 29, 2021 at 2:47 am

    As a couple of others have commented, I also feel like the 1111 is linked to the four swords in the reading.

    Going off the little bit of information you gave about your situation, my thoughts are as follows:

    **Seven of Swords** – Perhaps you feel as though you are betraying your romantic partner by moving.

    **Three of Swords** – You fear the possibility that you moving will lead to heartbreak in the future for either yourself, your partner, or both.

    **Queen of Swords, Reversed** – I actually interpreted this semi-literally in the context of the rest of the cards and your situation. In her upright position she would be a representation of “thinking” but, because she is reversed, she represents how you are avoiding thinking about your current situation. Maybe you’re avoiding thinking and talking about it because you’re afraid of being hurt or hurting your partner. Which leads into the next card.

    **Ten of Swords, Reversed** – I think perhaps the cards are suggesting that you can’t keep avoiding this topic. Not thinking or talking about it will not change the fact that you’re moving. The healthiest thing to do would be talk about it with your partner. I think it also might indicate that this impending conversation you both are avoiding might not be as bad as you fear. The point (pun very much intended) is that it needs to be addressed.

    **Page of Pentacles** – I have no idea why you’re moving, but the presence of this card to me suggests that the move is important for your overall goals and ambitions. Maybe in your situation, moving is more than just changing your location, but about pursuing your dreams, destiny, true self, etc. I think the cards are telling you to hold this firmly in your mind when you finally do talk about things with your partner.

    Whatever happens, I hope the best for you! It may be a stabby reading, but the Page of Pentacles to me indicates a lot of positivity in your future. Good luck!

  • lifetimemovie_1

    January 29, 2021 at 2:47 am

    I get a lot of swords ugh. I’m neurotic and the cards know it lol.

  • opaul11

    January 29, 2021 at 2:47 am

    Your deck is cute

  • -SumOfOne-

    January 29, 2021 at 2:47 am

    Hey there! I thought I’d provide the esoteric side of the card’s meaning.

    The Seven of Swords in general, is said to be about betrayal and deception. When you get this card, it may imply that you or someone else in your life is having difficulty getting away with something. There are instances when we are forced to be sneaky, hoping that we will not be discovered. When we are found out, we have to face the consequences – whether it’s embarrassment, punishment, or worse. Sometimes this happens when there are instances when you had to think on your feet, and did something that was somewhat shrewd and out of character. Now there is a danger of the secret coming out.

    You may be tempted to sneak away from somewhere, indicating a situation that is no longer working as expected. Instead of dealing with it, you choose to sneak away and hope that you will go unnoticed. Perhaps you were hoping that this issue would just resolve itself over time, and you’ve neglected it – leaving it to only grow and get worse.

    The big question, when looking at the Seven of Swords, is whether escaping will solve this problem that you are facing. While you might be thinking that you have gotten away, you discover that the situation has cornered you and you are found out as you are trying to escape.

    There are instances when the Seven of Swords may indicate the willingness to go solo. You may have the urge to explore and discover some things on your own. This can be an effective approach if you want to assert your independence and bypass group agreement. The Seven of Swords symbolism may be encouraging you to go on this path; sometimes innovation comes from a rogue genius.

    3 of swords speaks to sorrow over past hurts, losses or separation. Melancholy, fears, unhappiness; a longing to be whole. Fear of or actual abandonment.

    But remember too, that pain and grief are a normal part of life, because they make us appreciate what joy and happiness we have, as well as teaching us. It is through pain that we learn to be avoid mistakes that could lead us into danger and grief. It is therefore a necessity in the journey of life. The Three of Swords therefore is a depiction of suffering that is meant to make us stronger, more careful and more vigilant.

    Sometimes life gives us no choice – we are knocked down. But what determines one’s future is the choice of whether to remain knocked down, or rise again. Each little piece of suffering you encounter serves as a stepping stone to find a deeper meaning in this world. This card comes at a time when you need to prepare yourself for this next stage in life. While the grief may be extremely hurtful, it enables you to forget your past and focus on your future knowing that you have control of what actions you take afterwards. Don’t dwell so much on what is troubling you but instead, focus on what is approaching, because you determine your fate.

    The Queen of Swords reversed meaning is that you may be thinking too much with your heart, and you are becoming too emotionally involved with your current situation. You have to start thinking more objectively, because your emotions could lead you astray. Take the time to look at the situation using various facts and use your head to create a clearer picture of what is really going on. Only then, can you decide what your next move should be.

    When reversed, the Queen of Swords can also be quite bitter, coldhearted, or resentful. You may have started to isolate yourself for a number of reasons, but the outside world could be taking this in the wrong way. You may have some explaining to do, especially if your relationships end up being stressed by your desire for solitude.

    When we see any version of the Ten of Swords , the feelings are powerful. Whether reversed or upright, the card signals the finality of defeat. There is no way to avoid this tragedy – it has happened over a long course of events that have been a long time coming.

    With the reversal though, also comes to a recognition that you have hit rock bottom, there is no more that is left for you to give. With that also comes the release that things can only get better and the cycle can start anew. But like with the eight and nine of swords, this release must be initiated by you. There is an opportunity being presented here to correct what has hurt you, but you must make the effort to climb out yourself. What has happened was terrible, but everyone has a part in the responsibility.

    When we meet the Page of Pentacles, we see immediately that she is one that is ambitious and focused. She is protected, nourished, provided for by the suit whose name she bears. Guided by it, she is deeply tied to the earth, nature, and all of its gifts. She cherishes the body, for it too is something which is a manifestation of her element. Her diligence, ambition and loyalty drives her to quickly make plans for the future – for it is there where her focus lies.

    The person symbolized by the Page of Pentacles is ambitious, loyal and practical; they may often be seen as studious, but once you get to know them well, they can also be quite funny. Their ambition and focus means that they are hardworking. They are likely to be as dedicated as they are to a lover, as they are to their goals. Their quiet demeanor may make them hard to notice at first, compared to other folks that may be more out going.

    If this doesn’t represent a person that is entering your love life, the Page of Pentacles tarot love meaning can simply signal this Page’s dedication and loyalty in your relationship. While sometimes the relationship can lack passion and feel a bit boring, the love is there; you may only need to go out there and figure out how to inject some fun and excitement back into your romance. Try not to always put practicality before passion in the relationship and the two of you should be just fine.

    I’m not sure how the Page fits, but I shared the love aspect since it seems that is your current focus. I pulled most of these explanations word for word from

    My own interpretation is that this reading looks (as a whole) like the tower or death card. Which always brings in new growth after the destruction of what wasn’t working.

  • AlbaTross579

    January 29, 2021 at 2:47 am

    I would point out that how “stabby” sword cards are varies by the card, but I see you have the Three of Swords, and the Ten of Swords (albeit reversed), and it doesn’t get more stabby than those cards.

    I see this reading as indicating that you will eventually move past pain though, so I think it’s positive overall. That it ends with a court card from the suit of Pentacles seems to especially hit that point home, with the implication that you’re moving away from being stabbed, and into something that could lead to greater prosperity.

    Cards like the Seven of Swords, and even the Three of Swords, and others, don’t actually have to denote people, but they could instead be referring to situations. The Seven of Pentacles could be a call to be strategic in what you do, and it could also refer to a sense that you need to escape a situation. As for the Three, people are known for causing heartbreak (it’s something we’re sadly pretty good at), but we’re not the only source of it.

    The Page of Pentacles is more of an indication of a new beginning and the drive to make something out of it, though it is not a guarantee that it will work out. But, it is a positive card overall, as it does indicate the start of something new, and at least the opportunity for something better. But, maybe that is what you need to hear right now, and maybe moving past the pain that is either ahead, or that you’re currently experiencing is good enough for now, as you will then be able to start on a new journey.

  • Relative_Charge3832

    January 29, 2021 at 2:47 am

    I love this deck. Here’s a “mini read” well the energy(not gender) from what I got from the cards. This is totally timeless I agree could happen, has happened or is happening

    It seems there’s an effort between you and your person to keep a certain situation going(that needs to be let go to evolve on its own) and you both are adamant on it that you draw on other energies in and around you both to keep this situation going(this could be straining on you both physically and energetically) you both are comforting yourselves through any pain or struggle(there’s a chance this situation did not pan out as expected) but that doesn’t make it easier- especially with the emotional, mental and physical efforts from both parties) A certain straightforward, creative, daring and attractive Queen of Swords energy is feeling very ungrounded, not comforted enough by things around them that used to comfort them could be music, singing. these things don’t bring joy like they used to. A feeling of being stuck is very much at play here. But with the last two cards, 10S(r) and Knave, it tells me the worst of a situation is over, it’s time to get grounded, recover and start enjoying yourself again be it alone or with someone. This could be getting into old childhood hobbies or things you used to enjoy, but there’s enough abundance waiting for and around’s time to imitate stability in your life again by enjoying the good thing life has to offer.

    Edit: this ending 10S(r) might have been inevitable, it was nobody’s fault, the ego and control death had to take place mostly for the Queen ( gender not being read, all energy) both for all parties involved. But it’s recovery time!!!! You can now tend to your wounds, this time you might need to do it alone but I promise it’s worth it

    I hope this resonates!! 🙂

  • canny_goer

    January 29, 2021 at 2:47 am

    I’m a big proponent of reading the cards in front of you rather than the cards they may or may not refer to in another deck. These are not the Rider Waite cards, and the 7 and 3 seem to be completely divorced from that iconography. And yet the meanings you cite are very much RWS interpretations. I also think that you are following those meanings away from the question: what is the significance of 1111?

    The 7 of Swords here is about to drink liquid from a dewdrop she has gathered. 7 is a number that often is associated with spiritual striving. It’s a lucky number. It’s associated with the Chariot and the Moon in the decimal series of the trumps. Dew is sky-given moisture. Swords are about thought and understanding. Like you, the sylph is seeking to comprehend something that is coming from the sky.

    The Rider Waite reading of the 3 of Swords is a real downer. It’s one of the reasons I stopped reading illustrated pips. Not that the 3 can’t mean conflict (although the 2 might be more logical), but the big pierced heart dominates other meanings. The fairies here don’t necessarily seem to be suffering heartache. They look miserable (honestly my first impression was that they look hungover), but the imagery suggests shared pain, not so much heartache. One could be comforting the other, or they could be breaking up, but those seem like more complex interpretations than are necessary. Once a child can tripod on two knees and an arm, it becomes capable of using the free arm to quest into the world, trying to explore and comprehend anything within reach. You are attempting to find the meaning of this synchronicity. Will it just wind up giving you a headache like these girls?

    The Queen of Swords is the pattern maker. She has the adaptability of water in the airy domain of mind. She encompasses the creative Apollonian intelligence, as evinced by her harp. Here, she’s stood on her head, seeking meaning in the play of shadows and phantasms. I think synchronicities *are* significant, but they resist being pigeonholed into easily understood meanings.

    The 10 of Swords approaches the RWS iconography (although this fairy seems pretty chill about its fate, maybe even a little bit into it), but what is graphically significant here are the tangled coils of brambles. These are the contradictory thoughts that roil around you as you try to parse this ineffable meaning. Again reversed, which suggests that the final answer you seek will be deferred.

    Consider the procession of Swords cards here: 7-3-Q-10. This sequence is a zig zag of ups and downs. This sequence of expansion and contraction to me suggests the mind working to comprehend something. And it ends upon the smiling Page of Pentacles. This little guy reminds you to stay grounded, enjoy things, and be ready to laugh at yourself.

  • redfox-_-

    January 29, 2021 at 2:47 am

    Seeing this deck makes me want a(nother) new deck! It’s so cute!

  • camus-is-absurd

    January 29, 2021 at 2:47 am

    This is strange but I would read this as the deck confirming your question and then answering it.

    I would read each of those swords as a 1, meaning the deck basically said “oh, 1111? That’s gonna be the knave of pents, have a nice day”

  • HouseOfGoldAndBlack

    January 29, 2021 at 2:47 am

    I’ve always just said “Wow, someone’s really pointy today!” when that happens xD

  • SalmonOfDoubt9080

    January 29, 2021 at 2:47 am

    I’m new to reading so Imma not try to interpret…i just wanted to say your deck is super cute!! What’s it called??

  • Greenmountainhiker

    January 29, 2021 at 2:47 am

    New start after heartbreak, truths revealed. Be willing to learn something new.

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