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    I’ve posted a few times about my attempts to start listening more to my instincts and apparent abilities, as they are never wrong. Even had a recent reminder of that.

    Last night, I had a weird dream. And not in that normal kind of way.

    Personally, I’m at a crossroads in life right now. I’ve been letting go of a lot that has held me back over time so I can focus on remaining and new goals. It’s been a long year or so setting up the dominos, so to speak.

    Last night, I swear I woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep. But according to my Fitbit, I was sleeping the whole time I felt I was awake. It clocked an REM cycle of 92 straight minutes.

    The dream contained appearances or mentions of virtually every prominent figure from the last 12 years or so of my life, all connected to things I’m letting go of. It also had constant chatter about many people who are on the path ahead of me, including some I hadn’t seen as key figures in that but feel clarity with now.

    Most of those ahead of me didn’t appear… the dream was about the anticipation of them about to arrive. We never got there because my alarm went off, waking me up to start my day. Possible that we were never GOING to get there.

    To sum up, this didn’t come off like a dream I normally have – when I even remember them, that is. It’s odd to me that I was awake enough to be aware of how I was laying… thinking about how badly I needed to get back to sleep… and yet I also recall much of this dream at the same time. And 92 minutes is a very, very long REM cycle for me.

    I don’t know that it was a dream so much as a map. As something laying out where I’ve been and where I’m going for me… or telling me where I’m about to be.

    My “instinct” is telling me to listen to this dream. It’s practically screaming at me to.

  • Random dream or premonition?

     Shadow_Blinky updated 1 year, 3 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • Sourpatchtude14

    January 5, 2023 at 6:52 pm

    I believe you can have different types of dreams. I’ve had family members come to me in my dreams to let me know they’ve crossed over safely or one time my recently decreased grandpa came to me in a dream to let me know he was waiting for my grandmother to pass over so he could guide her to the other side. But when he came to me, I thought he wanted me to visit her in the nursing home and didn’t realize exactly what he was trying to communicate. But we never verbally spoke to each other in this dream. I just knew when I woke up that it wasn’t just a normal dream. It felt different than textbook drama…more significant and sometimes intense. Usually you know a dream is significant by how vivid it is and remembering the dream fairly specifically. You wake up and it just feels significant so you spend several minutes thinking about the dream and wondering what it means…
    I’ve also had some premonition type dreams, dreams that have warned me about potential conflict, dreams about my spirit guides (‘people’ in my dreams who I’m always with but I can never see their faces, I just naturally see their lower torso only because I think we’re not able to see that higher energy on this dimension.
    I could really go on and on. If you have any questions or want any further explanations then just ask. I love my dream world.
    I just woke up so I apologize if this is a bit jumbled up.

  • Panda-bear1983

    January 5, 2023 at 6:52 pm

    Write it all down before you forget details!

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