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Forums Forums Tarot Reading Tarot about current affairs/politics

  • Reading Tarot about current affairs/politics

     Maverick updated 2 years, 9 months ago 2 Members · 9 Replies
  • solskinnratel

    July 23, 2021 at 4:09 am

    Since we are affected by political situation and current affairs, I think we can use tarot to discuss how we or others make sense of what is going on and what we can control. But it’s not something that you can just expect tarot to make accurate predictions for the future or give a “read in general” because of all the moving parts.

    I know some people read for specific other people they have never met- such aa reading about celebrities or foreign leaders or whatever- but tbh I don’t like that at all. I don’t think we can accurately get any of their “energy” in an unbiased way. Our own thoughts and feelings and energies will impact the reading substantially, but because “it’s not about me,” readers may ignore this influence.

  • jiacovelli

    July 23, 2021 at 4:09 am

    Actually, I think a better subject might be how current affairs affect readings for individuals.

    In my case, for example, once western countries started going into lockdowns last year, it seemed like all my readings, whether for myself or others, went negative. I could add that I tried to fight that negativity by writing three (at least in my opinion) very good and positive articles about the three virtues in the deck, and how they related to the pandemic. But alas, nothing helped, and whatever the cloud around me was, it didn’t really lift until early this year.

  • trinckettbelle

    July 23, 2021 at 4:09 am

    Political affairs are contingent on SEVERAL people, most of which are just doing what they’re told. The tarot in my expectations works more on a personal level. So if you want to read into a specific leader of a country, you might fair better instead of reading into the situation as a whole.

  • Artemystica

    July 23, 2021 at 4:09 am

    Yeah sure, read about these things if it makes you feel better to do so.

    I don’t believe that we can accurately predict anything (political or otherwise) beyond educated guessing, and trying to glean the results of an election or something similar isn’t going to leave results that can be trusted in any way. It’s fun for some to guess at it with tarot or pendulums or whatever, but those results should not be given any more credence than using a chicken to pick bets at a horse race.

    Similarly, I don’t believe we can know anything about the inner workings of another person, or “pick up on their energy” or whatever to try and read about their character, what they want, or who they will become. These are things better learned from talking to a person (if they’re close), or reading sources from friends and family (if they’re a celebrity or public figure). I wouldn’t trust any tarot reading on anybody, near or far.

    I don’t think readings on public issues are harmful, but they’re just… not helpful beyond soothing the person reading, and indeed, that could backfire if the cards indicate an undesirable result. I would have rather seen those groups of folks who spent time reading for the US election at the end of last year going out and volunteering to help people sign up to vote, or staffing booths on voting day. That seems like a much better use of time, and one that might actually sway the needle.

  • GreenTaraTarot

    July 23, 2021 at 4:09 am

    I don’t do it, but the last presidency stressed me out so much that I started watching youtube channels of those who do, for the comfort of feeling that I was not the only one who was appalled by the daily news, During lock down, this was my substitute for having coffee and a rollicking chinwag with my girlfriends. It didn’t change anything, but it sure made me feel better.

    Many of the readers were quite accurate, quite often, but now that I am no longer in perpetual flight or flight mode, I don’t make time to check in every week. When I do, it will be most likely to see what Maryann of the Guiding Light tarot has to say. Though she is Australian, she is very knowledgeable about US affairs.

    There is an old saw about policy making in Washington that compares it to making sausage. What comes out is a fine grind of many different inputs. Knowing this to be the case, I find her readings to be appropriately nuanced and layered. They are more “of the moment” situation reports than final analysis summations.

  • GreenTaraTarot

    July 23, 2021 at 4:09 am

    I posted about my experiences watching such readers, but on a different note, it always interested me to see what each reader pinpoints as “this is my card for .X” where X is the GOP, or the Dems, or Russia. None of them are ever the same from reader to reader, but I can always see how they apply.

  • Kinnie__

    July 23, 2021 at 4:09 am

    I think you can if you read about how a situation is going to affect people. As someone said there are too many moving parts. It can really help though and sometimes readings won’t let you ignore the larger events.

  • espertaur

    July 23, 2021 at 4:09 am

    I mean… it could be fun as long as people aren’t using cards for policy decisions lol

  • MarxistGayWitch_II

    July 23, 2021 at 4:09 am

    I remember pulling a card regarding fascism globally (whether it would weaken or strengthen) and got the Devil. Shuffled, etc. asked about COVID and whether it’ll go away by next year: Devil again.

    It DOESN’T work if you’re asking it like “Who’ll be the next pres?” or “Does universal healthcare work?”. You can tap into trends, but you can’t predict exact outcomes.

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