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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Recommendation for books on the goddess Circe

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    Hello guys, i would appreciate recommendations on books about the goddess Circe. On her history, general practices and correlations.

    I am aware of the romance ‘Circe’ by Madeleine Miller, and even have it, but i am not sure if this book is what i am currently looking for.

    Thank you all!

  • Recommendation for books on the goddess Circe

  • reCaptchaLater

    May 28, 2023 at 10:50 pm

    Circe is a character in ancient Greek mythology, often described as a sorceress or enchantress who lived on the island of Aeaea. She is not considered a proper “goddess” by the Greeks, but rather a nymph; a minor nature deity. She is most famous for her role in Homer’s epic poem, “The Odyssey,” where she used her magical powers to transform Odysseus’s men into swine.

    “Circe” is a novel by Madeline Miller that tells the story of Circe from her own perspective. The book delves into her life, starting with her childhood as the daughter of the sun god Helios and the nymph Perse. Feeling like an outsider among the gods and her own family, Circe discovers her affinity for witchcraft and her ability to transform her enemies into animals.

    The novel is a modern adaptation and retelling of the mythological character. ” While the story is based on elements and characters from Greek mythology, Miller’s interpretation and development of Circe’s character, experiences, and relationships are fictional and imaginative.

    To learn about the real mythological Circe, consider reading the following books and sources that feature her character and delve into Greek mythology:


    1. The Odyssey by Homer: This epic poem is the primary source that presents the story of Circe and her encounter with Odysseus. It gives an excellent foundation to understand her character as described in ancient Greek mythology.

    2. Theogony and Works and Days by Hesiod: While Circe is not a central character in these poems, Hesiod’s works provide valuable context and understanding of the Greek cosmogony and overall mythology.

    3. Circe and the Cyclops by Robert Graves: In this book, the renowned mythologist offers a chapter on Circe, discussing various aspects of her story and how it evolved over time.

    4. Classical Mythology: A Guide to the Mythical World of the Greeks and Romans by William Hansen: This detailed guide to classical mythology covers a wide range of topics and characters, including Circe. It provides an excellent background understanding of the broader mythical landscape.

  • inkblot81

    May 28, 2023 at 10:50 pm

    The nonfiction book Pandora’s Jar by Natalie Haynes has a chapter on Circe. The book re-examines interpretations of women in Greek mythology, and I really enjoyed it.

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