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    Hi! I just need help understanding two things

    1) Is there a way to interpret yes or no for love readings Vs general or career, etc?

    For example: if someone asks me “Should I reach out to them for reconciliation” would I be like, okay it’s the ace of cups, it’s a yes or would I be like ace of cups advice is yes/no. Does this make sense? Like am I reading this answer from a place of a love question or would it be more from advice.

    2) I would like to try a relationship spread, but the Querent and the other person position have me a bit confused.

    I hope this makes sense… am I reading the Querent and the other person as a feeling or would it be as a person?

    1. Querent
    2. Other person
    3. Near past
    4. Near future
    5. Outcome
    6. Advice

    #1 would go on the right
    #2 goes on the left
    #3 goes above one and two in the center
    #4 goes below one and two in the center
    #5 goes in the middle
    #6 is on the far right side away

    Also does anyone read yes/no cards without reversals? If so, how is that? Is it less clarifying or do you like it better?

    I hope this makes sense!

    Thank you for reading this

    *Also if there’s any advice for beginners, I’m open to it all! Thanks again!

  • Relationship Spread Help

     studious0912 updated 1 year, 2 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • RamenNewdles

    January 29, 2023 at 5:28 am

    The question leads the divination so make sure and address that first regardless of the spread position. Personally I recommend reading for read yes/no questions via reversals but I understand if you aren’t comfortable with reversals at this stage

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