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Forums Forums Mediums requesting a read on a possibly entity that has been following me for 20+ years.

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    hey all. posting because i really don't know where to find people willing to do charity readings for someone who really can't afford mediums (can barely afford food.) But I am asking for anything, correct or incorrect readings, for some peace of mind.

    I need a blind reading, as might be obvious from what little info I can give: I've been followed by a powerful presence since I was a young teenager, following a very traumatic childhood and into a very traumatic teenagehood/young adulthood. This entity has communicated to me both verbally, mental imagery, and by manipulating things in the world around me to send me messages. The messages have generally been positive and beneficial, and this entity has even saved my life a few times.

    However, I am mentally ill. Hallucinations, dissociation, etc. For obvious reasons, I don't feel like I can trust these experiences as real and I am looking for any kind of outside confirmation that I'm not just psychotically confusing coincidences for some outside power.

    So I really just need anything, any vibes you can get off this entity. Correct or incorrect readings, both are useful information. Thanks for your time and consideration.

Reply to: snow_dunes
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