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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Requesting a spell for safe and healthy weight reduction

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    Hi wonderful witches!

    I’m new to this sub and witchy stuff! Can any of you please guide me in the right direction. I am looking for weight reduction spells/energy work/healing. I have been working towards slowly streamlining my eating and exercise routine since October 2020. But I KNOW that there is some deep rooted belief that is making my body hold on to the excess weight. I’d like to figure out what the issue is, heal it and get back to my normal weight.

    My family has a history of diabetes, which is why I am working towards being healthy and active. My doc was a bit concerned with my last year’s blood work. I have no interest in being skinny, I love my curves and my body. BUT I am carrying some extra weight which may not be good for my health and I’d like to lose it. If there is any other energy work or process that I could do that would support my physical efforts, please guide me.

    Thank you so much in advance ❤️

  • Requesting a spell for safe and healthy weight reduction

  • AwkwardThePotato

    November 15, 2021 at 4:31 am

    Not very experienced w spells myself but please be wary of diet culture with this journey of yours! You seem to have an honorable mindset, be sure to keep it as you work on losing some weight.

  • weird_elf

    November 15, 2021 at 4:31 am

    The body always wants to help, but it does take things literally. Thus, as with any spell, avoid negatives and comparisons, and focus on something you can visualize. If you ask your body to help you lose weight – well, in order to lose it you need to have it, so it might hold on to it. Instead, visualize yourself in clothes the size you want, or seeing yourself in the mirror at your goal weight, in an appropriate amount of time. Like that, your body has an easier time getting the message and will work with you towards the goal.

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