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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Ron Funches just gave me the best burial plan ever.

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    Ron Funches is a very funny comedian-actor (if you’re not familiar) and I was watching a throwaway show he was guesting on where they were talking about burial plans; apparently a massive amount of CO2 is released every year from cremation (there goes my original plan), so a scientist had developed a “death suit” made of mycelium spores that digest you after you’re buried (pretty f*ckin rad) and Ron said “makes sense to me, I eat mushrooms and then when I die I become mushrooms and then my friends eat the mushrooms *and they see me.*” Looove it.

  • Ron Funches just gave me the best burial plan ever.

  • ofcourseitsagoodidea

    June 28, 2023 at 10:13 am

    After reading “All That Remains” by Sue Black I plan to donate my body to science if they’ll have it. There are so many cool things your body can be used for…one of my favorites is that you could just end up laying in a field and decaying while the wild animals consume your flesh so that fledgling forensic anthropologists can learn about the processes that will help them pinpoint the time of death and solve murders! …but if they won’t take my body, I like this mushroom idea 🙂

  • FaceToTheSky

    June 28, 2023 at 10:13 am

    Apparently you can also be composted and have a tree planted in you. That’s what I want; hopefully it’s legal where I live by the time I kick the bucket.

  • PatchEnd

    June 28, 2023 at 10:13 am

    I’m biodegradable.

    I don’t want to be packed full of chemicals to keep me pristine like a twinkie.

    I want to do my part for mankind and if I do come back as a zombie, I will come back rotted, NOT pristine in my 1950’s wedding dress. So I will be an easy zombie to kill.

    Count on me people! I’m planning for the future!

  • Jovet_Hunter

    June 28, 2023 at 10:13 am

    I like the idea of being compost.

    Grow a tree in me, please.

  • Remarkable-Log-4495

    June 28, 2023 at 10:13 am

    I love Ron so much! He has a podcast too.

    [Gettin’ Better with Ron Funches](

  • raeofreakingsunshine

    June 28, 2023 at 10:13 am

    My plan was just a natural burial, but this seems fun too.

  • DamnGoodMarmalade

    June 28, 2023 at 10:13 am

    Luke Perry was laid to rest in one of these mushroom burial suits!

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