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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Samhain in the souther hemisphere and the equator

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    For those of y’all south of the equator, how do you manage the holidays? Do you celebrate by the date, or do you flip things to match the holiday to the season it is supposed to pair with?

    And for you equatorial / tropical / non-four- season types, how do you interpret the wheel and holidays?

    I spend some time in Colombia now and then, and where I like to stay really only has “rainy” and “dry” seasons. The indigenous people there had devised a stone calendar tracking the sun to plan crops and mark time. I feel like I’d need to re-work the wheel and it’s holidays to sync with the natural energy there, and the locally available produce for offerings.

  • Samhain in the souther hemisphere and the equator

  • Foreign_Inspector686

    November 12, 2021 at 2:51 am

    Technically it would be Beltane for us, however, it makes almost no sense for people who live on or south of the equator to celebrate Celtic farming festivals, I have my own thing that I do, that said, some people might feel that the wiccan wheel of the year works for them, in most books on the subject it’s reversed for the Southern hemisphere

  • JustXanthius

    November 12, 2021 at 2:51 am

    I do a sort of combo of my cultural holidays + pagan sabbats, though in fairness I mostly celebrate the solstice/equinox and not the in between points. The wheel I consider a suggestion at best, and I’d work it to what ‘feels right’ locally.

    But anyway, I celebrate summer solstice in December then Christmas as a combo of my traditional Christmas with some parts of Yule thrown in (but not the bits that feel wintery). I celebrate Easter separately to the Spring Equinox, but I do also celebrate the autumn equinox around the same time as Easter. Winter solstice is probably gonna be tied up with Matariki (Māori New Year) celebrations in the future.

    It’s a mess really, but it works for me.

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