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    Satanic Bible Author’s deathbed vision/last words.


  • Satanic Bible Author’s deathbed vision/last words.

    mikedjb updated 2 years, 12 months ago 1 Member · 9 Replies
  • marutiyog108

    May 20, 2021 at 5:27 pm

    This may be an unpopular opinion among some people here but Satan is an illusion. There is only God or oneness..everything is one and comes from the same source. What people label as Satan and demons are really just lower vibration entities. They lack knowledge and wisdom of what is “light.” And even the idea of light and dark is still dualistic thinking and a whole other talk but it helps to distinguish between an awakened state and one of ignorance of being aware of oneness.

    Everyone and everything has a part to play and is a catalyst for change and creating experience. It is through experience that we as souls grow and learn and eventually migrate and bring our experiences back to the one single source.

    In the grand scheme of things there is no good and bad. The law of karma…thou shal reap what you sow is in the bible. We are all just playing out our karma from our past lives that were set in motion when “God” “Source” “Creation” manifested the vibration to differentiate itself into many parts.

  • Dehaney123

    May 20, 2021 at 5:27 pm

    Just as I thought. This guy is confused. He speaks of taxing churches yet set up his own church so in turn would be taxed himself.

    And the interviewer proves the point as one Satanist laid on his deathbed crying out something is wrong. The devil promises everything and in my opinion delivers nothing.

    That’s Satan for ya

    Bless those who follow the lies and may God be kind enough to deliver them into the truth.

    Jesus Rocks

    Amen xxx

  • magicforpassionssake

    May 20, 2021 at 5:27 pm

    While I’m not a huge fan of LaVey or the Church of Satan, if it’s too good to be true, it’s probably not true. I tried to fact check this and found zero support for it. In fact, LaVey died on a different date than commonly reported because the family kept it private in order not to detract from a celebration the followers of the Church were having. His last words are in fact not reported in any of his obituaries and I imagine they were kept just as private as the date.

    Don’t get me wrong, he was a shitty person if anything for having white supremacist leanings. But he and the Church also did many of the things people commenting in this thread condemn to point out the hypocrisy of organized Christianity.

  • Ghigog

    May 20, 2021 at 5:27 pm

    The organisation of satanism derives its strength not solely on personal values, but in egoic victories and in hatred of the church. This means the energy of satanism is drawn in hatred, of our true nature as Gods (Lavey recognised this insofar as it pleased the ego) and of hatred of the church, God itself.

    This means that the church is stronger, as Lavey has manifested an “evil” that was only imaginary before. The church derives energy from hatred of Satan, and Lavey has created Satan as a real philosophy for people to follow.

    Therefore, Lavey created something which justified the church’s source of energy which was once just imaginary. Now Christians can actively see satanists following their egos, living for themselves and not a higher consciousness, because people were turning satanist, in /direct/ response to the church. What more justification do you need to turn Christian?

    Because people are naturally higher beings, not slaves to ego, they are more likely to favour christianity over many other religions because the evil that Christianity preaches /actually exists now/, as satanists are created. People can actively see the “evil of Satan” taking over people. It basically justifies and strengthens their beliefs.

    So yeah, no matter how you look at it, Lavey hugely fucked up. This is without mentioning a lot of the spirit choking values it holds. Satanism has hugely positive values, but only insofar as you see the human being as a divine thing beyond the ego. Otherwise, its just made the church stronger.

  • FiendFatale

    May 20, 2021 at 5:27 pm

    I think posting this merely was a set up to rile some people up, especially for those who do not understand Satanism, the Church of Satan or I will even go out and say The Satanic Temple, whether intended or not. The statement in the video was actually debunked:

    [Anton LaVey had a deathbed conversion to Christianity](

  • RicottaPuffs

    May 20, 2021 at 5:27 pm

    I don’t understand the relevance of this to mediumship. It is religion. It is not relevant to the sub.

  • rogaciana

    May 20, 2021 at 5:27 pm

    Alot of people just keep the Satan name and then let all the assumptions drip, they don’t research, ask or learn. If you read his “Satanic” commandments they don’t promote any violence, just in case of defense or food in case of animals and in general they are a lot like “don’t mess with me, I won’t mess with you” kind of commandments. Satanists shuldn’t make any sacrifice (animal or human) because they would be dissrespecting their own precepts, like everything a lot of it decay and degenerate for power hungry people. But basically, people who make sacrifices, harm people, animals or kids are just sick minded people, psychopaths who put the Satanism as an excuse to do those awful crimes.As someome already said, Satan as God is not a person, it’s a kind of energy, a vibration, part of the whole.A lot of religious people claim a lot of things as “satanic” like developing clarivoyance, read tarot cards or practicing yoga even simple things as lighting a candle and burning incense, but they forget churches do that the later too, lol. Ironic but sometimes seems that kind of people believe more in the devil than in God itself.
    I’m not a satanist, but I have the openess and will to learn to know everything, there’s no much difference in ego stroking between LaVey talking about being selfish or christians judging others and condemning others for their (non harmful) beliefs.

  • Nix_sighs

    May 20, 2021 at 5:27 pm

    I’m reading through the comments and I get a lot of mixed emotions from a lot of people. Everyone has their own opinion and that’s how it’s going to stay. I will say, from my experience and what I have seen. I believe that Lucifer is real and he has control over the demons yet, I feel like God is good but he is also evil. Unless he chose his favorite, Lucifer, to help create that balance. To have the perfect world there must be balanced. The Bible give me an off feeling when I look at it. It’s corrupted but pure. That somewhere humans have messed with the writing to fit their standards. Is it stupid how I think most likely. In the end, it’s up to people to form opinions

  • mikedjb

    May 20, 2021 at 5:27 pm

    I don’t believe in Satan nor hell. I believe in science and quantum sciences. It’s ridiculous to believe there’s an evil entity always trying to get your soul. I believe in the power of the mind though, I can see why people believe such crazy things.

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