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    So this is probably going to sound dumb but I’m often scared of reading my own tarot incase I pull the tower or devil. Does anyone else feel the same? Recently I’ve been in a really good place but when I get the urge to give myself a reading I don’t because I’m scared it’s going to be something bad.. is this normal and is there anyway to get over this and accept if I do pull those cards? I’ve been debating taking them out the pack but I know I shouldn’t.

  • Scared of pulling the tower and devil

    NauiCempoalli updated 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 11 Replies
  • SantoSalieri

    February 4, 2021 at 12:05 am

    No cards are bad. They are there to help you figure out the possibilities and decide accordingly. Wouldn’t you want to know if a car’s coming at you to get out of the way? Would you rather be oblivious or avoid an accident?

    The Tower is letting you know foundations are being shaken up and possibly torn down. If the foundation is already bad having it be torn down is a positive. If you have a really awful boss and the rumble of change is running through the office, pulling The Tower might be a relief because it could be that the power structure is going to be shaken up if other cards support it. If things have been terrible lately The Tower could be exactly what you need to shake up your rut.

    I’m completely biased on the Death card because it’s my favorite. All things end, but they’re not always a permanent end. Leaves die and fall to the base of a tree, turning into mulch that feeds the roots for new growth. The Death card to me is the promise of new beginning after shedding something that doesn’t serve me anymore. It’s the idea of a caterpillar having to die to become a butterfly. I get excited when I pull it because it feels like an adventure is about to begin.

    The thing about both these cards is that they herald change. Change will occur with or without you being on board with it. If these cards make you nervous it might be more a fear of change than anything to do with the cards. They’re not bad or negative, just letting you know that things are about to shift. Obviously other cards around them will inform you more about the change to come, but all change isn’t bad.

  • Starscall

    February 4, 2021 at 12:05 am

    I actually like the Tower card. I mostly see it as a card of Shaking Up the Status Quo, of Things ending so new things can begin (so very similar to the Death card). I just see it as an additional card of change and transformation usually. Might not be an easy change or transition, but that’s life.

    Devil is a mixed bag for me and depends on context.

  • QuixoticPuppy

    February 4, 2021 at 12:05 am

    I pulled the Tower today. I dread it, but try to see it as a learning experience (whatever event it is referring to).

  • citywiccan

    February 4, 2021 at 12:05 am

    A lot of people have said this already, but every card has a lesson to teach us. Knowing when bad fortune is heading your way can help you prepare or even avoid it.

    A lot has been said about the Tower, but The Devil is one of my favorite cards. The Devil challenges us with a question: Are you making your body a cage? Too much or too little physical pleasure can be a sign of restriction or imbalance.

  • scbw777

    February 4, 2021 at 12:05 am

    same dude

  • TarotReaderFrog

    February 4, 2021 at 12:05 am

    Tarot is mysticism, technically speaking, and you’re finding out why it is that “doing mysticism right” involves more than just the divination or practice alone. Implied in this kind of stuff is a duty to yourself in making sure that it measurably helps you become more alive, more effective, more integrated, more loving, and what have you. If it doesn’t, you should indeed take a step back. Ask yourself if you want to really do this to begin with. Second, take some time to study and come to the realization is all that those cards represent are expressions of nature, in outward reality and in your personal sphere. The symbolism in Tarot is a language used to describe these natural phenomena, and while nature might be scary sometimes, leaning how to confront that, think about that, deal with that, is exactly one reason why Tarot can be so valuable. It helps you contemplate and solve life, even the things about it that aren’t as fun as others. If you are dealing with anxiety you chould check out /r/TheMindIlluminated and the meditation manual it is based on, [which you can also find on]( It goes hand in hand with the kind of self realization and development that Tarot is ideally focusing on.

  • rose__dragon

    February 4, 2021 at 12:05 am

    In regards to The Tower, while usually interpreted as a major, life-changing moment, it can also just literally refer to chaos in an otherwise stable moment; such as a very busy work shift. But once the dust clears, everything is fine.

    The Devil can allude to letting loose and having a good time, or somebody who embodies that type of living. And if you’re having a bad time and feeling trapped and The Devil comes calling? It’s asking you to break free of those things.

    Maybe take a break from tarot, or at least study the nuances of both cards. I wouldn’t say there’s any card (including minors) that is purely negative; even the Three of Swords denotes recovery, in its own way.

  • Owen-of-GreenTara

    February 4, 2021 at 12:05 am

    This is like saying you dread a warning light coming on in your car or a fire alarm going off to warn you your house is on fire. The cards don’t make things happen, they just report. It’s better to get the information so you can do something about it.

  • _chloefawn

    February 4, 2021 at 12:05 am

    there’s no such thing as negative cards. maybe take a break from Tarot completely until you can understand that.

  • –2021–

    February 4, 2021 at 12:05 am

    If you’re afraid the other shoe is going to fall, it’s likely the cards will pick up on that. You may see some negative cards that discuss your fears. You might want to find someone to talk to about your fears, things are good, yet you are so afraid something really bad is going to happen? Where does this fear come from and why? Is it a legitimate fear or fear based on past experience that might not come to pass this time?

    I think it’s important to realize is that the cards aren’t predictors of fate, they talk about your situation as it is, the components are already in play and what may continue to happen as a result. If something “bad” is about to happen the roots of it area already there and you would likely already have some inkling of it, or even have started to see the effects, even if you’re not completely conscious of it. Running away or burying your head in the sand won’t stop it from happening.

    All the cards do really is give you clarity on what’s already there, and if you’re already skilled at self awareness they may just provide more perspective. The cards can be good tools for helping you with seeing blind spots, or seeing things from a different perspective that can assist you in better handling a situation. And if you happen to have a blind spot or you’re not aware of it it, being made aware of it can buy you time or insight to change the situation so it’s not so bad.

    If you see something “bad” like the tower or devil, all the cards do is bring it into your conscious attention, and allow you to act in a way to improve your situation and protect yourself.

    And the tower/devil can represent many things, I have seen it show up when someone lost their temper! They already knew they were bad tempered and they were like “oh, that wasn’t so bad, I already knew about that.” I have seen the devil show up when their partner was lying and cheating to them and had for some time. Nothing really bad happened, except for the partner, because they were discovered (admitted when confronted too!) and kicked out. The discovery itself was painful, though when they thought about it the signs were there and they didn’t heed them. In the end these things were already present and being aware of them helped the person remove them from their life and make it better!

  • NauiCempoalli

    February 4, 2021 at 12:05 am

    Remember that the Tower in the Marseilles deck is called the “Maison Dieu”—God’s house. Not a bad thing at all.

    And I have noticed that sometimes the Devil card, with his horns and Capricorn energy, is just referring to whatever Cap you have in your life.

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