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    To all my Scorpio moons,
    How the f*ck do you guys control your emotions, express them, etc? I’m just curious. I’ve been trying to express myself more, talk about what’s wrong when I’m mad or sad, and want to care about other peoples emotions more. So just wanted to see what works for anybody else ! Even if you’re not a Scorpio moon feel free to answer 🙂

  • Scorpio moons

    BeefInBlackBeanSauce updated 3 years, 3 months ago 2 Members · 32 Replies
  • elceie

    February 1, 2021 at 6:24 pm

    Scorpio moon here. Emotions and thoughts are challenging to separate. I find I fare better when I set aside the thoughts and address the feelings. Its taken me a long time to know the difference between thoughts and feelings.

    Sun and rising are both air signs so that kinda makes sense why I would struggle with that.

    Something I identify with my moon placement is how I approach boundaries. I’m so concerned with how permeable the boundary is. Like water contamination and purity are huge to me. Not just literally but energetically. I can obsess the heck out of germs and how they move though, TBH.

  • Jenny_Tillia

    February 1, 2021 at 6:24 pm

    Scorpio moon but Gemini sun here. I’ll tell you how I feel…..

  • TiredandDriven12

    February 1, 2021 at 6:24 pm

    Scorpio rising, Virgo sun, Scorpio moon.
    I went through a phase in my life where I was able to numb any type of pain, even pain after a 2.5 year breakup to the pint as if it didn’t happen. I soon learned that that isn’t healthy and it all caught up to me years later where I realized I didn’t know how it felt to genuinely love or to even care enough about another person to NOT be able to let go so easily. Not gonna lie it took me some time mentally to rewire my brain into being aware that having feelings is okay and to feel them. I stopped burying my emotions down and actually felt the way they came. Now presently after going through a really bad breakup and losing friends I’m choosing to instead of numbing the feelings and just “switching off” the caring, I’m choosing to feel the pain and it has been going really bad because I cry almost everyday but I’m so happy to able to actually feel again and know what it’s like that I was genuinely in love (even though I’m going no contact at the moment and have shut him out of my life and act like he doesn’t exist even when he’s reached out -doing it on purpose to hurt him {Scorpio moon} lol- he was my best friend for 6 years and has always loved me but was very toxic in our relationship and just straight up hurt me.

    Bottom line is you have to be aware of your feelings, choose to feel them even if it hurts, and learn to work with them in a healthy way. It isn’t easy but is well worth it.

  • FairOphelia

    February 1, 2021 at 6:24 pm

    My kid (5yo) is a scorpio moon. Virgo sun and virgo rising. I’m open to advice.

    Right now I’m trying to teach her that it’s ok to *feel* any emotion; all emotions are healthy. How you *react* to emotions is different. Don’t hold your feelings in or let them explode outward, instead take a deep breath (or several) and then explain your feelings using big kid words, such as, “I’m feeling frustrated because I want you to pay more attention to me.” We’re also working on the lesson that it’s ALWAYS ok to cry.

    That’s my (♋ sun, ♓ moon, ♑ rising) method for teaching a child, but like all parents I’m just winging it and have no idea what I’m talking about. Like I said, advice and constructive criticism are welcome.

  • No_Rip_7471

    February 1, 2021 at 6:24 pm

    My father was a Scorpio moon. He spent so much time writing in his office I assume that’s how he handled things. He was a passionate man but very controlled.

  • brucatlas1

    February 1, 2021 at 6:24 pm

    I need time to process my emotions and let them resolve before having any real convos about them. Actively using breathwork and exercise helps with that so much. Sometimes its tough in my relationship because of how much time I need sometimes, and its understandably concerning for my s/o because I can only let them in so much you know? Aka Practice *listening* to your emotions in the situation – your body – the other person – over time. Whatever helps you listen, practice. For me, art, breath, and exercise. I’m a cancer, gem rising, scorp moon.

  • takemetoasia

    February 1, 2021 at 6:24 pm

    I’m just here because I’m seeing someone with a Scorpio Moon so this is…interesting.

    Also, I’ve noticed that most of the users who commented don’t have flair (on mobile, at least). Very secretive indeed.

  • aurokoi

    February 1, 2021 at 6:24 pm

    Scorpio moon here! I don’t <3

    On a more serious note, I’m interested in finding out as well. I’m an Aries sun, Scorpio moon, and Pisces rising and I feel like I’m constantly at war with myself 24/7. I know I have the capability to love deeply as I’ve expressed that love for my friends and pets, but I still feel isolated and disconnected. I have no idea how to tell people what I feel or what I need without being wary of having to explain why or them just not getting it.

    However that being said, last year I actually got pretty close to being as ‘unstuck’ as I have ever been. A big part of that was introspection first and foremost. Knowing what you need is the first step in finding that in real life. Once I got my personal issues out in the open and started working on those, everything else kind of came naturally.

    I think for us, because we feel so deeply and intensely about so much, we tend to shut the emotional ourselves off just a little so we don’t get overwhelmed, and that’s why it’s hard to open up. We suppress our negative emotions, so when someone asks whats wrong, it’s probably the first time we’ve let ourselves feel that and it’s overwhelming. For me, I just cry.

    That’s why I say work on yourself and acknowledging your own emotions first. In my case, when I started doing that and was able to practice mindfulness, it helped me relate to others, and it was almost like a passive exchange of emotions. I can feel their pain because I’ve felt something similar myself, but I don’t let my pain, or theirs, *become* me.

    I’m not sure if this makes sense, or if it resonates with you, but I hope you have an easier time with this soon. Be gentle to yourself ????

  • Active-Cranberry9756

    February 1, 2021 at 6:24 pm

    Try hanging out with Capricorn moon peeps. Scorpio moons seem to find them easy to talk to.

  • BigBonk69

    February 1, 2021 at 6:24 pm

    I’ve been getting in the habit of closing my eyes and taking three big, deep breaths whenever I start feeling overwhelmed by any emotion. My most destructive is anger, and when I’m in the right mood the smallest annoyance has the potential of setting me off. Noticing possible triggers and understanding how I feel leading up to an emotional outburst has been key in reaching emotional stability.

    I also talk to myself as a way to not lash out at others, I’ve hurt people in the past when I’ve felt a very intense, negative emotion.

    Mostly just self awareness, grounding techniques, and lots of therapy.

  • honeysucklemoonshine

    February 1, 2021 at 6:24 pm

    Counseling once a week is helping. However, I’m still super intense with the emotions if I’m not blocking them out. Idk, I just try to be more present and less reactive (super hard for me). I’m not sure if I have had a ton of improvement, but I feel like it’s like a muscle or something and it’s going to take time and a lot of effort.

    Group work/social interactions remain a challenge for me especially. I just have to remind myself that we all bring something great to the table with totally different perspectives that I shouldn’t take personally. Easier said than done, but I can try.

    I think a lot of my emotional flux is directly linked to toxic perfectionism tied to my self worth, so this is a main focus in therapy sessions.

    Hope this is helpful. (Taurus sun/virgo rising/scorpio moon)

  • SmellyBundy

    February 1, 2021 at 6:24 pm

    I’m a Pisces moon and am wondering the same thing for my moon sign. I’m so emotional all the time and feel everyone else’s emotions on top of it. It’s exhausting

  • blackkat1986

    February 1, 2021 at 6:24 pm

    Well as I’ve gotten older I’ve realised that there isn’t a lot of point in getting upset over things I can’t control. I’ve realised I am genuinely happier when I let go and stop caring what others think and do. It’s not my place to educate people on their poor choice of behaviours or to exact revenge (as much as I want to lol) I trust that they’ll get what’s coming to them. Honestly I am the happiest I have ever been in life! I spent my childhood and teens so unhappy and full of rage and hate. I spent my early twenties trying to fit in with the people I thought I should be like. My thirties have brought me an acceptance and freedom I never thought possible. Letting go and focusing on loving yourself, acknowledging your flaws and working on them for yourself is the key

  • findparadise

    February 1, 2021 at 6:24 pm

    How do I control my emotions? There’s no such thing. It’s about distress tolerance. It’s about therapy and self-care. It’s learning yourself, your triggers, and how to manage them. Meditation. Mindfulness. Exercise. Eating well.

    How do I express them? Journalling. Communicating with people you trust. I’m a writer so that’s my number one form of expression.

  • BeefInBlackBeanSauce

    February 1, 2021 at 6:24 pm

    I’m an aries moon 10th with pluto opposite. I can be too honest and I scare myself when I get mad sometimes. I wish I was more sensitive to others feelings. But then there are depths to me id never share with others too, and I don’t like people in my flat apart from one person. I think my 4th house has a lot to do with this. . I have a strong Aries moon and pluto in Libra in the 4th along with 4th scorpio mars and 4th scorpio saturn. Which is a scorpio moon theme. I can be very forthright but also very private at the same time

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