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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Sea/Weather Witch Question

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    So as a Floridian, and a newbie Sea & Lunar/Cosmic Witch, I took the opportunity of our recent hurricane/tropical storm Elsa and gathered some hurricane rain water. I’ve got 2 huge mason jars filled and am so excited! I could smell the salt in the air when the hurricane first hit us. As a landlocked Floridian Sea Witch (I’m recuperating from a surgery back in March and can’t make it to the beach anytime soon), that makes me happy, because thar be salt in that water! 🤣

    I read in a book that it’s really powerful for spells and whatnot. But as a newbie witch, who’s only done like a couple manifestation matchstick spells, I’m still kinda new and apprehensive about more powerful spells. So I wasn’t sure if I could get some advice and maybe a website that talks about spells with hurricane water? Or if y’all have any websites for sea witches or other resources. I’ve read the book by Melusine Draco but I wasn’t sure if there were any other (preferably free) resources that I could learn from. However, I am worried, because in Melusine’s book she says to keep a record of what happened during the storm. Unfortunately it spawned a tornado in Jacksonville and killed someone and that makes me wonder if the water is now bad for some reason?

    I’m sorry if I sound naive. I try to do as much research as possible before I ask questions, but google was of no help. Thanks for any help!

    I should also say… I don’t want to do any negative type spells that harm people. I don’t agree with them, as I’m a spiritual witch… as in I still believe in God and Jesus (but I do not call myself a Christian) and don’t want to harm anyone.

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