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    Hey guys. I’ve always had “clairvoyant” dreams since I was a child. When I was younger, they were more vague and easier to believe they were just coincidence. Well. It’s been about a year of me experiencing very intense “clairvoyant” dreams, to the point where I can map out places and when I’m in the dream, I’m living another life that’s similar to this one but not exact.

    I’ve also been having these catastrophic dreams that end up being headlines in the newspaper.

    Before the new year began I kept having recurring dreams about military trucks, hazmat suits, plastic quarantine tents and tunnels (kinda like in ET). Then the pandemic hit. And within a couple weeks, down the street from my house, they set up a covid testing center that was separate from the rest of the hospital, and it looked nearly identical to what was in my dream.

    Last week I had a horrible nightmare about a plane crash near water and icebergs. The next morning there was a headline about a plane crash in Alaska.

    Last night I had a dream about a large explosion, and saw brick being thrown about from the blast. This morning I saw the headline about an explosion in baltimore, it was a brick building.

    There’s plenty more that I can’t remember off the top of my head, but basically, my dreams have been freaking me out for a while now. What they’re able to predict seems disorganized. I can’t choose what I can see, they just kinda appear in my dreams and it’s not really helpful. It just makes me feel like a freak lol.
    I feel like I can’t tell people about this problem cause they’ll think I’m crazy, or I’m making it up, or I’m experiencing psychosis.

    I’ve come up with a semi-scientific explanation for these “clairvoyant” dreams.
    We know that time is not linear, it can speed up or slow down. Our third dimensional bodies cannot travel to other points in time… as the space-time we live in is the 4th dimension.
    I believe consciousness ascends the third dimension, as it allows us to predict outcomes based on our current set of input. I think in the altered state of consciousness that we experience dreams, we are also unbound by time.
    If you think it’s impossible, read about remote viewing. every human being has the ability to accurately “see” things in faraway places. It’s not phony research either, prestigious universities such as Stanford and Princeton have observed and recorded these abilities.

    Anyone else have some strange stuff going on in their dreams lately? Or have their own explanations about what’s going on?

  • Searching for an answer

     Mateo updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • [deleted]

    November 7, 2021 at 1:01 pm

    I dream things and they happen. I have for about 10 years. So does my aunt on my mom’s side. And so did my great great grandma on my dads side.

    I dreamt my brother’s accident 10 years ago.
    I woke up and got a phone call.
    (He survived)

    I have daily intuitive hits but I never know how to follow them.

    My friends and family know. They don’t judge me, I’m just “sensitive”.

    A psychic, Jayne Wallace in London told me “you have the gift too”

    I do but I don’t know how to open it!

  • Kether_Nefesh

    November 7, 2021 at 1:01 pm

    A few things.

    This is not clairvoyance. This is seership being able to see events that unfold in the future in dreaming consciousness, so it is a lesser seership than someone who can attain the same clarity of future events during a waking consciousnesses.

    Clairvoyance is knowing – at least as how it is taught in the mystery schools, I know people like to throw out all kinds of terms like “claraudient” clair whatever, but a clairvoyant simply knows – most of the time, a clairvoyant cannot even see.

    In Rudolf Steiner’s lectures on the Gospel of Saint Luke, this distinction is discussed at length, – St. Luke was a Seer, St. John was a Clairvoyant.

    >I’ve come up with a semi-scientific explanation for these “clairvoyant” dreams. We know that time is not linear, it can speed up or slow down. Our third dimensional bodies cannot travel to other points in time… as the space-time we live in is the 4th dimension. I believe consciousness ascends the third dimension, as it allows us to predict outcomes based on our current set of input.

    Time does not exists in the astral world. Arch-angels, in fact, are beings that flip through time, backwards and forwards like shuffling cards, this is what creates Deja vu’s and the Mandella effect – they are correcting things in the past that would have brought about events that would have not been in line with cosmic evolution.

    Our Ego bodies, will body, spirit and consciousness, leaves behind our etheric body and physical body when we sleep and our ego body along with our astral body enter into the astral world when we sleep. If your etheric body is still connected, you can “remember” your dreams, because the etheric body is the body of memory.

    Here, you are accessing, unconsciously and seemingly at random, the Akashic Record, and learning of events that will come. Your astral body and ego don’t communicate in human language, but through symbols. Thus, it is trying to relay to you what it experienced.

    This is a very different process than remote viewing, where one is engage in what we consider a black occult practice, and without someone’s permission, invades the mind of another – all is connected, and can “see” what the other person remembers or even sees themselves.

    This is usually harmless and of no real consequence – I have given the story before of how many going through the mystery schools, when they develop this ability, begin to blush – having “seen” the teacher naked.

    Of course, with permission, we are permitted to enter someone’s mind and sometimes we do this in their aid, but unless permission is freely given, we consider remote viewing to be a dark occult practice.

    Hope this helps. Thanks!

  • IrreverentGal1

    November 7, 2021 at 1:01 pm

    I just show up at people’s homes or wherever they are and usually see what’s going on at that moment. Idk why or how but I’ve never had a problem asking people if x happened and it had. I do wish parapsychology would stop popping up and then going away when I’d rather those in the field find out why psychics “guess” slightly above average rather than complain it’s not enough above average.

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