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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing searching for historical information

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  • #396652 Reply

    Good day to thee,

    Not a ghost experience but really more so a curiosity of historical significance..
    Is anyone here able to read Spanish? I am curious to know more about a supposed witch buried at Presbitero Maestro cemetery In Lima,Peru.
    Her name is Gregoria Camacho and she’s kinda a local legend as her grave is the one marked with ☠️ skull and crossbones. The brief description I got was that she was a good witch but also a bad witch?
    Of course when it’s refrence to a woman before the 1950’s as a bad witch I’m instantly curious to know more about her.
    Who was Gregoria? Why was she considered bad? Can anyone describe how her work was actually necromancy?
    It would be really cool to know her story, her life. Alot of people leave offerings of plants, candies, and candles at her tomb…. from one witch to another I’d like to also pay my respects.

    I have shared this with a few other groups online hoping to find some responses. Thank you!

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