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    Seeing and Speaking to the Dead.

    I need help with making my senses stronger. I have always been able to see and sense the presence of the dead. I was never able to summon the once living (plus I never tried) but they have in the past made themselves visible to me or I can feel them in the room when they are near or moving past me. A few years back I prayed for God to take the gift away until I was ready. Recently I started to feel again but not much so I feel like God is letting me know that I’m almost ready again. I feel like I can be helping people with this gift so I have some questions for those who might be able to help me:
    1: How do I create an inviting space?
    2: How do I remain calm when they arrive?
    3: Should I speak to them out loud or just in my mind?(Ive never spoken to them before, I was too afraid)

    I might have more questions but I can’t think of them right now.Thank you!

  • Seeing and Speaking to the Dead

    Person2145 updated 2 years, 11 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • imgoodatbreathing

    May 31, 2021 at 9:56 pm

    I hope this can help. I’ve found that the best inviting space you can make is wherever you are with your energy, but to then bring in non judgment, love and neutrality. There’ll be moments where spirits come who’ve done terrible things and they feel horrible for it or confused, but they need help (if they ask for it) and they need to move on as this helps not only them but the entire collective.
    Personally I stay calm by seeing and feeling it more in a way where it’s like therapy. If that makes sense?
    They’re here to be heard or to get help, stay professional but loving, graceful, if they look scary it’s usually for a reason, consumed by their own negative emotions or feelings or something traumatic happened. Some just feel more comfortable shrouded in darkness because they’ve been mistreated or betrayed too many times. Usually though after hearing them out they shed some of the goo / black stuff or start to look more radiant.
    You can speak to them however makes you comfortable, I personally use my minds voice to talk to them and hear them and then tarot + a pendulum to double confirm things. It’s amazing how much just letting them share their story can do for them, for someone to just openly listen to what happened and not judge.

  • BadGenesWoman

    May 31, 2021 at 9:56 pm

    Silence helps. Find a quiet place to meditate and open yourself up and once you reach the void you can reach out mentally while vocally asking spirits around you to speak. Pictures, music, words numbers can pop into your mind. Examine them and ask questions. Keep detailed notes.

    A divining board and pendulum with stand can help concentrate the energies. Check etsy. You’ll find one for you. I recommend a purple amaythist pendulum. As it focuses spiritual energies. Look up how to sage your room to clear negativity and light a calm candle scent or incense. Certain crystals can help also. Listen to your heart beat. You can sense spirits by the hair on your arms and by increased heart rate while at a rest.

  • Person2145

    May 31, 2021 at 9:56 pm

    I feel this exact same way and also tried to “turn it off” which took years to slow it down but now I feel ready to handle it again. We are in the same boat

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