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Forums Forums Psychic Seeing images with (I think third eye?)

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    TL;DR : With my eyes open and closed I see different worlds (sorta like dmt) and sometimes they will interact with me, other times it’s like I’m observing them. I’m hoping that somebody knows what I’m talking about or is also experiencing this.

    Every day I see different things appear whether it be with my eyes open, or closed. Sometimes it’s different (people?) interacting with me. For example, with my eyes open, I saw a man with a red mohawk who was shirtless with a sarong around his waist. At first, he was staring at me and I was looking at him just trying to observe what was happening. Then, he brought his arms parallel in front of him, and then turned them to gesture to my boyfriend, who was sitting next to me, and then he put his hands in a nap time form by his face, I think telling me that my boy was sleepy. Another example, with my eyes closed, I saw a friendly clown who pulled me towards him and then pushed me to the right where I was then by another entity who showed me something, the cycle continued I kept being pulled and then shoved as I watched different things in their world happen. I forget what I see very quickly, unless I say it outloud to somebody or I write it down. Other times they don’t interact with me. For example, with my eyes open, I’ll see various people talking. I don’t hear anything, and I can’t understand what they’re saying, but I see their mouths moving and I just know inside me that they’re talking to somebody who I can’t see. Another example, with my eyes closed, I saw a picnic bench a little bit far away and there was a young boy and girl sitting there together. Then, a dog ran across, very close to me, and the scene changed to something completely different. I see different things like this everyday and nobody, except my reiki therapist but she is expensive to talk to, ever knows what I’m talking about. I’m just hoping that somebody here will know what I’m talking about or is also experiencing this I would love to talk to someone who understands.

Reply to: Margaret
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