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    Hey everyone, first off thanks for taking time to read this post. I’m here because throughout my life (I’m 29) I’ve had hundreds of occurrences of seeing/ hearing and feeling things that others around me do not experience. Last year I became aware through therapy that I’m a highly sensitive person. I’ve always considered myself to been in touch with spirit and I get signs from the universe constantly almost daily. Last month I decided to stop being confused about what’s happening to me, listen to my intuition-accept it and find resources on how to live with these sensitivities. When I was 11 I used to see a cloaked figure resembling the grim-reaper walk up and down my hallway, always stopping at my door to check in on me, I felt seen by this being. I’ve seen several spirits during peyote ceremonies that others didn’t seem to be aware of as well as animals. Last month I decided to visit with an astrologer who informed me that I have Pluto in the 12th house conjunct my Scorpio ascendant. This person was intuitively telling me that I dive in deep into unseen water and am comfortable with death/ taboo topics. I asked about my career path moving forward and she mentioned that becoming a death doula would be a favorable way to serve my community and validate my connection with the universe. After that meeting I consumed all the information I could find about this position and what it would look like for me. I feel like I’ve been waiting my entire life to make this connection and I’m so grateful. Flash forward to 1/17/21 I found myself randomly booking my first psychic counseling session with a person here in Portland. During the session this psychic informed me that two of my past lives were spent caring for the dying as a death doula/healer/medium. I’m kind of in AWE by how both of those reading played out and how connected I feel to all of this information, almost as if someone has turned on a light inside my body.

    I guess I’m here asking for help…. I don’t know where to start and the occurrences keep getting stronger and more consistent as I walk this path. Last night I was sitting in my bed around 9:30 trying to relax for the evening and suddenly the scent of orange filled my nose almost as if someone in front of me was eating one. It’s strange things like this amongst many other situations that make me question reality and my sanity. Anyone out there able to shed some like on how to get into flo with what’s happening and not let it be so overwhelming? I know this sounds like a stretch but I am absolutely positive I can feel other people thoughts. I find myself giving answers to questions people have yet to even ask me, the answers light up in my head like lightning. It’s all very confusing.

  • Seeking Guidance about how to walk this path of a medium.

    SunriseOverSeaa updated 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • Icy_Paleontologist32

    February 8, 2021 at 10:52 am

    Hi! I don’t have much help for you I’m sorry but I’ve had very similar experiences to what you have described, especially the answering questions before they’ve been asked part. I have always been sensitive to spirit but recently I’ve been having medium like experiences where I can see or feel the presence of someone passed. Anyways I’m following your comment selfishly because I’d like to know what kind of advice you get in case I can benefit at all as well but I also wanted to comment just to let you know you’re not alone in these feelings????????

  • SunriseOverSeaa

    February 8, 2021 at 10:52 am

    Awww that’s an awesome story. You must watch Dr Sleep (movie) if you’re interested in the idea of death doulas. I love how it’s portrayed in the movie. I have thought about that myself. It would be so valuable to help people release fear and relax into transition.

    I can totally relate and you’re not alone with all of that.

    I can understand how confusing it is to… being spoon fed tiny bits of insight at a time and trying to figure out how the puzzle pieces all fit together.

    Maybe start by keeping a journal, writing down the things that occur, any details you can get, just keep a note of it all – and write down your dreams too so you can practice dream recall.

    Ask spirit / the universe to show you how to make sense of it all, and what you are meant to do with the info you are receiving.

    I once had this happen (connection with someone significant in spirit) and I asked her why she was connecting with me, what she needed me to do. About half an hour I saved her niece from choking. It confirmed for me what was literally needed. I don’t mean physical acts like this are always necessary but what I’m saying is, if you ask, you will be given an the answer you need and you’ll know because it will make total sense.

    Another example is that I was working with a client and I had her sister come through. She wanted to thank her sister (my client) for looking after the children she left behind. I received the message to pass on after getting all the pieces of the puzzle about it – i first felt a grandmother around me, but this was not confirmed. What eventually came out with my client was that her sister she lost was incredibly wise and she raised my client so what felt to me like a grandmother was actually a sister who was incredibly motherly and wise. Once i honed in on my clients sister, it was clear that she wanted her to know that she appreciates my client for taking care of her sisters children the way she was taken care of by her sister who passed. If that makes sense? It was a lovely connection but it took me a while to understand the message she was trying to get across to me. It all came through in physical mediumship ( i could receive information that the woman who passed did so by breast cancer in the left breast – i realized because my hand was magnetized there. i normally receive mental mediumship like thoughts and feelings in my mind like seeing movies play or memories from someone’s life but this woman came to me physically in my body – it took a while to even notice it was so subtle!). i was soo happy to help in the end though so i was grateful i eventually understood this other skill that i was developing.

    It just takes time and noticing and consciously working at it.
    Read everything you can that resonates on the subject.

    I can recommend NZ Sue NIcholson’s book and The Medium in Manolos by Lauren Robertson. Soooooo good.

    Dm me if you want to ask specifics

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