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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Self love poppet success!

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    Hey all, I just wanted to share a success story with you guys! So I made a poppet for self love, and it actually worked. I’ve been feeling a lot better than I was before! I know that you all will want the poppet recipe, so I’ll add it below:

    cloth, however much you need for the sized poppet you’ll be making

    Stuffing, this can be things like finely chopped dried grass, or polyfil.

    Lavender, rose, and sugar, with a personal link.

    A dried holly berry or bean (Optional)

    What you do then is you sew your poppet, and when you’ve done that, you stuff it. I would recommend against doing an inverted seam, but craft how you like. I always stuff my spell ingredients first, excluding the bean/holly berry. Then I stuffed it all the way with normal filling, and finally I added the little bean into the left side of the chest to represent a heart. I do this with all stuffed dolls, not just poppets. Finally, I symbolically give it the breath of life and tell it “Your name is Oliver (My name), your job is to give me unharmful self love.” And I charged it for a few minutes, then I set it on my altar to sit.

    I hope you like this spell, I did and it was really fun to make. Have a nice day all, blessed be!

Reply to: Shin-yolo
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