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    Hi all. I was told by 4 different clairvoyants on separate occasions that my 14.5 month old son has a gift of his own but none of them are able to tell me what type of gift he has since my son has yet to develop it as he gets older. When he was 10 months old, he was diagnosed with failure to thrive meaning he was so underweight that he needed assistance for eating. Since he wasn’t drinking enough milk on his own, they ended up giving him a feeding tube. He started out with an Ng tube but he eventually transitioned into a gtube. Before all the tubes, he was drinking milk on his own (15-21 oz) but now he’s just not eating at all by mouth. We have feeding therapists that train him to eat but There’s really nothing medically wrong with him nor does he have any genetic issues. Drs simply said he has some sensory issues which is what’s preventing him from eating apart from also being constantly full from the gtube feeds. Now according to another clairvoyant’s point of view, she said that because I was having so much issues with my son’s father, my son was absorbing all that negativity which in return Prevents him from eating. My question is: Im assuming people who are clairvoyants are extra sensitive to things due to having the 3rd eye. Just wondering if any of you guys have had some type of issues with being too sensitive which have caused some type of medical issues as a child? Ie is this sensory issue a common thing with mediums? Just from lurking On this sub, I know a few have mentioned having adhd as well. Do you guys know why my son is still refusing food? I’m basically still pushing formula through his gtube. Any insights will be appreciated and thank you in advance.

  • Sensitivity and being a medium?

    c-shadrach updated 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • TAwhocares123456

    February 3, 2021 at 6:56 am

    I HIGHLY suggest you get a second or third or fourth MEDICAL opinion on your baby’s condition. 14 months old? I’m just going to be honest, I promise I’m not trying to be hurtful, but -mother to mother- this is not the place you need to be trying to find answers for your baby. As a medical professional, a medium, and a mother… The answers you need are not here (in this sub) right now. He is still just a baby, and personally I think you need to keep looking for answers from his pediatric specialists.
    Good luck and I hope you’re able to get him the help he needs. ????

  • c-shadrach

    February 3, 2021 at 6:56 am


    I don’t believe spiritual issues are the reason or cure for your child.

    I agree with the other comment – to look for advice from medical professionals. Also, if you can find a medical professional that believes in homeopathic treatments to assist in your child’s treatments, that may be more helpful.

    I had a great Gastro Doctor who was also a licensed homeopathic provider. He paired the modern medicine and practices with a few homeopathic alternatives to help with healing. And when I say homeopathic, I am NOT talking about anything that is readily available for folks such as essential oils or local medical marijuana dispensaries. These alternatives required special requests from the licensed doctor to purchase and close oversight of the doctor.

    You should be able to request someone like this through your current medical staff.

    I repeat, it is so important to find one that is also an actual doctor too, especially with your child’s health conditions!!



    I follow the Westin A. Price diet – the website has a lot of information that discusses the nutrition of the parents and children and how a lack of nutrition (common in the American Standard Diet and many modern ones around the world) can cause medical issues outside of genetics.

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